Wednesday, December 26, 2007

update, UPDATE!

it's meee blogging again (i know, i know...i said i wasnt going to make another entry until 2008~ i just have soo many things stuck in my brain that i need to let out!)

i have a lot of things to say in this post, so bear with me okayh?~

it seems like a lot of people misunderstood what i said in the previous vlog.. i dont know, maybe it was just me mashing confusing arrangements of words together and calling em sentences, as usual. well anyways. i am NOT shutting down this blog until April people, i just wont be writing as much..kay?

alriighty. next is winter trip! it was AWESOME! i met a whole bunch of ultra random people!~ here are the pics -

thats me, Kak Fariza and Mimi the Head Girl...friends from the
best primary school ever, SRK Zainab (1)

and this is Intan who i havent met in aaaaages..i was SO shocked bumping
into her on the bus in Nottingham. She was Vice Head Girl when we were
in ZS...haha. kelakar gile Ketua + Penolong Ketua Pengawas dua2 there.

and this is me pretending to be taller than Izyan the not-so-random girl from Galway =)

and this is the pretty Zaza from Aberdeen, who i've met once before, and is now
a friend i'm really glad i have =)

and of course...the not-random-at-all bunch of people i hang out with since forever.
love you ladies to bits!

okay okay so u're wondering why are there sooo many people at the background. i was actually at this program thats held annually, its called Perhimpunan Musim Sejuk/Winter Retreat, where a lot of Malaysians studying everywhere in the UK/Eire gather together to learn..agama? i hate to say it that way because it sounds so secular-istical but i've no idea how to say it anyway else.

okay Atiqah speak some sense, nobody's getting what you're trying to say.

i made a whole LOT of new friends and gained SO much from the program, i can't wait to go for next year's!

moving ooonnn...there is, of course, the story of the cold freezing winter and it's highlight - (nope..not Christmas) BOXING DAY! woohoo. last year i spent a LOT of money buying stuff for these SIX ultra-demanding creatures i call sisters. hehe just kidding. they werent demanding, i was the one trying really hard to buy THE perfect gift for each of them. but this year, seeing that i wont be going back home in the Summer, i dont have to buy gifts for anyone (except myself,of course..ngeh2) until the next boxing day sale. so i wont be spending so much money, and i can shop with minimal pressure, hoho. so i'm planning to buy myself a bunch of stuff, them being :
  1. a mini heater from Argos
  2. used-for-hanging-washed-clothes thingamajic, i cant recall what it's called, whatvr. Also from Argos.
  3. a hand mixer .....alllssooo from Argos. haha.
(i know i's a boring list considering it's a huge sale and everything...a lot of you's prolly thinking 'buy something cool already, you're so laaaame!!' or something like that. well i'm getting to it, be patient!)

4. a pair of jeans because i wore my favourite one waay too much and it is now damaged beyond belief.
5. a huge handbag thats big enough to throw in a bejillion stuff so i can use it for college.

(see?? i DO know the cool stuff to buy, okayy =p)

well thats all i guess. oooohh, by the way - i bought em!! the bday prezzies for meself!! wheeee~!
i bought a white watch, because i lost the black one i had (surprise, surprise). i reeaaaallly like it, though it can be a bit too dressy and unsuitable for things like, the gym, for example. and i bought a purple purse to replace the pink Guess purse i had because...well. it's about time i replaced it anyways. the pink purse brings back painful memories that i wish not to remember.


its getting colder and colder and colder with each passing day, and i know that it is now full-blown winter because:
  1. i think i apply Vaseline on my lips like 17 times a day, and they still are beyond dry.
  2. i'm scared to slip out from the safety and warm-ness of my 15 tog duvet when i wake up in the morning.
  3. i shiver epileptic-style everytime i pray sebab basah lepas amek air smayang.
  4. i have to have my bedroom light on 24/7 because it seems like there never is any sunshine.
  5. when i wash my clothes, they take like a week to dry.

and oooh - a HUGE announcement : i no longer use Atique704 for YM-ing purposes. to all friends: fear not, i have not Ignored you or made myself Appear Permanently Invisible to you.. i simply am not using it anymore. you can always e-mail me if there is any pressing issues to tell/talk about. i'm sorry for the inconvenience that this may cause..but to Mr. MCS-President, don't worry, if there's online meetings, you can just text me and i'll log on to that YM, okayh?~

okie doke. thats it i think. i'm calling it a night :) salam alaik.

xoxo, Atiqah


Iron Butterfly said...

hahah coolnyoh nok beli handbag and jeans.. lol. i posted the videos on my blog, another more embarassing one has been sent to your yahoo mail. ngahahah..

hello sister, i've been using my red guess purse for more than 5 YEARS hokay!!! itula, moral of the story bendo2 essential lagu tuh beli sendiri, kalu bf present mulo lah toksey paka bilo break up.

hey if i'm the one who broke up with him i dont feel any qualms why i should not use it, kalu hok keno dump baru serro painful kalu nok paka. ngaahahaha..

Tengku Atique said...

well, TECHNICALLY, yes, i dumped him, but HE's the one who actually..oh well, whatever. i dont wanna talk about it.


i hate you.

Anonymous said...

ecece... semmo nk guess purse... red la pink la...sheeesh...

ok, since u got a new one for u, can i have the old one? ngahahaha...

glad ur enjoying life. =)

huda said...

huhu notts mmg tempat menemukan org-org..silelah dtg notts lg,pakcik rainbow 5 setia menjd driver anda..
musykil sket 1:sejak bile atiq lg tinggi dr zaza?emm

Tengku Atique said...

Ops : nooo you cant!! its tucked in my drawer forEVER.

thanks :)

Huda : huda? yeay its about time somebody noticed! i AM taller than zaza..kitorang pn tekejut, lepas amek gambar tu baru perasan. ho-ho-ho.