Monday, December 3, 2007

Birthday update:

shaye shayang housemates shaye :D :D :D :D

they made me a birthday cake!!~ wheeee~
(by they i mean 85% by Dayah, of course. heee)

thats riiiiiiiggghhttt....i got a Bubuuu!! sukeee very the very!~ thanks Niesa!~
they wanted to name him Awang so he's now officially Bawang!~
(he's got a cute little mohawk!!)

so this cute pink Body Shop gift set is from Dayah (obviously)
i love ittt!~ lame dah tak beli Body Shop stuff. shayang Dayah!~

and last but of course not the least...

the snickers duo from Aliyah n Adilah!~ heee. tau2 je Atiq suke :D

(shian Dayah sampai pening2 kepala penat masakkk)

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