Monday, December 31, 2007


i got SO many things to say but i have no idea how to say it. i suck at blogging. wait. scratch that. i suck at communicating.

anyway i just have to say this; i think muda-mudi nowadays waste waaayyy too many brain cells on their love life 'issues'. i mean. come on people, there are more pressing issues in the world to think of rather than worrying about your boyfriend going out with that girl AGAIN, or your girlfriend's mad at you because you watch too much football and now you're pissed off because you think shes a control freak, or worrying about your boyfriend being 'too friendly' with other girls, or whatever. i mean, seriously. get over it.

wake up people. there is more to this world than just yourselves and your loved ones. ignorance is NOT bliss.

i'm not in a good mood.


i'll remember not to write a post when i'm not in a good mood next time. promise.


Anonymous said...

random jugak

randomness yg sungguh typical la atiq
buat la sesuatu yg random yg lagi bukan atiq? hehe rasa mesti mcm best!
hehe happy new year!
be MORE n perhaps MORE matured ok tp jgn over ripe..hahahah apa ni? ingat buah buahan tempatan ke?hehe


hugs fr dublin
byk2 mengaji dan lagii lagii byk ingat Allah (i know u ingat Allah selalu)

Tengku Atique said...

jazakillah for the reminder =)

and happy new year jugak!!
semoga 2008 penuh dgn keberkatan n keimanan insyaAllah,

(lala ehhh...?~ heee~)

Anonymous said...

hurm. random. dah lama tak nampak kat randomthings.

take care yea.

: )

Tengku Atique said...

rest assured, i visit randomthings regularly, i just havent been leaving comments =)

take care you.