Friday, December 7, 2007

random rants.

its cooooOoldd. like seriously. if the heater community has pondans then this one in my room is definitely one of it. quoting ille, "ini bukan bilik. ini peti sejuk..freezer part."

i went to the library late this evening because i just realized that the Vander's Human Physio i borrowed is waayyy overdue. i am soo nyanyukk. i really thought the due date's next week or something. if not for the library notice i got in my ucc student email account i wouldnt have realized it. well anyhoo. it was raining like craaaaaazy when i got out, and it was already dark eventhough baru 4.30pm. the wind was just as mad so i had my specs smeared with rain so i can't really see anything. so i took my specs off, put my hood up, turned up my mp3 full blast and walked moodily down to campus to pay the expensive overdue fees.

by the time i got to the library i began to feel dizzy from walking without my specs on. note to ppl who doesnt know: i've full on astigmatism and migrain - so yeah i have headaches all the time. well anyways back to the library. i wanted to pay the fees and renew the loan, but i got Strict Miss Librarian instead of my usual favourite Mr Nice Librarian, so she wouldnt let me renew it, and she rambled on about short loans or returns machine or whatever, i cant really hear her because i had my mp3 (with noise cancellation - so i'm practically deaf to the outside sound once i put it on) to full blast. so i smiled, said thanks and walked robotically to the elevator up to Q+1 (they call it that instead of the usual '1st floor' and Q-1 instead of basement and Q instead of ground floor - weird Irish librarians) and to the usual shelf of physiology books (i got Vander's series number memorized..sighs. kesian tak? ade org nak hadiahkan Vander's kat Atiq?) grabbed another copy of Vander's and went down to the Borrowing area and checked the book out (grumpily).

it doesnt make any difffeeereennnce. she shouldve just given me the friggin book. i dont like Strict Miss Librarian. *hisssss*

so i got back home with a different copy of Vander's and brought my laptop down to the kitchen and looked up for a new recipe to try out. i settled on Ayam Serai Pedas Thai. it turned out great because i love Thai food. as usual my housemates said it was sedap but i dont know whether they're for real or they were just being nice, them being them.

tomorrow i've got a date to MP with Kak Rose...can't wait!~ (Nad, nak sebok skali tak??)


Anonymous said...

i have vander's!
xgune sgt actually..
tiq, if ur home n i decided to gv u d book, i'l let u knw okeyh..
i was out maso atiq msg kat ym..
later ok babe?

Anonymous said...

Girl I like your writing style. Reminds me of Brigitte's Diary. Keep blogging and kick the pondan heater once in a while. That might solve the problem.

I'm guessing, medical student right?

Tengku Atique said...

Meems : sighs, dont think i'll have the chance to get lucky though, i already told Mama m not going back next Summer :(

Tembam : eh...hi!? thanks, and thanks for stopping over :D yeah that might do the trick...nanti atiq try hehe.

yes, i'm a med student!~

Anonymous said...

owh yeke..
its okey lah tiq, i'l pray dat u'l get lucky in d future okeyh..
take care babe..

Iron Butterfly said...

'walked moodily'... hmm.. sounds like you alright. Can imagine her katik-ness walking moodily to the library. ngahahahah...

p/s : i'm in the office, have tonnes of work that i can barely cope, so i read blogs as my escapism. it also an act of rebel. lagi banyok suruh wak kijo lagi banyok surfing. hahaha.

Anonymous said...

"Strict Miss Librarian instead of my usual favourite Mr Nice Librarian"

haruslah d strict one tuh Miss and the nicey-icey one tu Mr.

i'd like to add on kakak's 'walked moodily':
"walked robotically" (or sumthin like dat) dis one pun bulih bayangkan jgk...kohkohkoh~

Tengku Atique said...

yes2...moody and robotic, thats how i walk alright.

some great sisters i have,huh. cehss.

p.s. shows that i'm honest in my writings, right?? hehe.