Wednesday, December 26, 2007

okay so i dont really write this it doesnt count, right?

look what i found on Friendster; a bulletin about me by my sister :)

Can you answer 51 questions about the
1st person on your top friends list?
Don’t change your top friend.

1) What’s their name?
- sorg je la. Atique.

2) Does he or she have a

- nahh...
* i like the tone of that answer - you make it sound like its impossible for me to have one, i like it! thanks! (haha...seriously!)

3)Do you get along with this person

all the time?
- yes. my whole life.
* yeap yeap

4) How old is the person?
- 20 yrs and 23 days.

5) Has he/she ever cooked for you?
- goreng ayam or telur camtu ade kot.
* haha. i can cook a lot of stuff now, okay!! even nasik lemak, nasik kerabu, and...stuff. hoho. i'll cook em fer you one day :)

6) Is this person taller than you?
- LOL. she thinks petite is cute.
* me and 99% if the homo sapiensssss!

7) Have you ever kissed this person?
- err... ade kot. haha...

9) Are you related to this person?
- we're sisters.

10) Are you really close to him/her?
- YES.used to have late night chats
before we sleep.
* i miss those times :(

11) Nickname?
- tiq tok a ding dong.
* very funny.

13) How many times do you talk to this

person in a week?
- used to be endlessly. now, with her
halfway across the globe, maybe no more
then thrice.

14) Do you think they will repost this?
- probably.
* :D correct! just that its on Blogger instead of Friendster ~ and urm - i didnt replace it with my own answers, hoho.

15) Could you live with this person?
- of course. been living with her most
of my life.

16) Why is this person your number 1?
- i saw her first when i set my featured.
* ahhhh. i was on the illusion 'twas because i'm your favourite person!! sheeesh.

18) How long have you known this
- since the day i came to this world.

19) Have you ever been to the mall
with this person?
- duhh...

20) Have you ever had a sleepover with
this person?
- like almost everynight?
* haha. we share the same room AND the same bed in White Villa.

21) If you ever moved away would you
miss this person?
- now even.
* :(

23) Have you ever done something
really stupid or illegal with this
- yes. sneaked out to go to tokwe's when
we were kids.
* haha..thats the jahat-est we ever get back then. i'm a good older sister, i dont give bad influence to my adik2. hee.

24) Do you know everything about this
- i think. hard to know her latest
updates now tho.
* nobody knows everything about another person, Mr. Survey. everybody has secrets.

25) Would you date this person’s
- hers are also mine. besides, she (also
me) has only sisters.

26) Have you ever made something with
this person?
- not sure. cudnt even remember last
time we went out together.
* do you remember that time when we tried to 'invent' our own recipe at Ketani, the one where we threw in everything from eggs to veg in a wok and stir fried it?? hahaha we were sooo clueless. (dont worry people, nobody ate it - it turned out sooo bad it ended up in the bin)

29) Have you gone skinny dipping with
this person?
- haha... ironic. even tho we're
sisters, i wont.
* haha. does skinny dipping in the kolah in our house in Kelate when we were small counts?? Kakak was sooo mad at us!

33) Have you ever worn this person’s
- like all the time? =) but we're of
different sizes now.
* yeah thats right - rub it on my face!

34) Have you and your person made
up a hand shake?
- nope. wutever for?

35) If it was “freaky friday” would u?
- geez... no thanks. wudnt want to be
drowned with tonnes of medic-related books.
* yeah..thanks for the sisterly support, lil sis.

36) Have you ever heard this person
- u know wut, it starts to annoy me now
dat i hardly remember last time we did
anything together.
* huhu, tell me about it!

38) Do you and this person have a
- think so. really, i hardly remember
anything from the past but i'm sure we
had since we really talked a lot.
* boys are not to be trusted, especially high school boys --> i think this might have been one offit.

39) Do you know this persons myspace
- i know her email's.
* huh?? no you dont!!!?! right?? right...???!!??

41) Have you and this person ever
gotten into a fight that lasted more
than 2 months?
- it's not possible.

44.) Have you and this person gone
- last time we saw each other, we're
both under-age. but i doubt she wud now.
* huhu. u better not go clubbing, missy! Kakak, dont take her with you okay?

45) Do you know how to make this
person feel happy?
- yeah. we entertain each other.
* :D

46) Do you and this person talk a lot?
- yes. a LOT indeed. we cud just talk
about anything and everything.
* isnt that the definition of sisterhood or something?~ :)

47) Do you like this person?
- why else d'u think i put her in my
* grins

48) Has this person yelled at you?
- 'course. zillions times.
* heyyy. i dont even remember the last time i yelled at you! mustve been aaaaages ago?~!

49) Have you and this person got into
a fist fight?
- we are prim and proper ladies. haha~
* ho-ho-ho

50) Do you want to go out with this
- yes YES.
* Ops, course i wanna go out with you too, like really really, but i think the question meant it a different way. oh well.

51) Do you want to be friends with
them forever?
- do i have any choice? haha... air
dicincang takkan putus
* smiles

that's my sister - Tengku Sofiah Aishah, age 16.
i miss her. too much. :(

(yeah yeah...shes a lot taller than me. whaaaattever :p )


Anonymous said...

29. geez... havent tot of dat as skinny dipping. haha... but i remembered Awah was d one went amuk. kohkohkoh~

39. i know. but u probably changed it kot sbb maso bdk2 nk reset password neopet, i tried to hack but failed. haha...

50. i know. sajo buat2 x pehe...

as of the picture, why do i look so tanned???? (jus a nicer way to say hitam) ah yes, just got back from wilderness at dat time right? fuhh...

Iron Butterfly said...

yeah i think it was awah. it wasn't me.

Anonymous said...

skiiny dipping dale bilik air hijau bowoh tu dengan awah... habis penuh bbuih. pahtu tak dok ore ngaku...ngahahahaha
p/s: opie as usual pinjey baju kakwe...

Tengku Atique said...

Kakak : yo eh?? duo duo bekem spo singo tekpom dulu (dulu jah ko?? hehehe) so macey konfius sapow maroh..haha

Kakwe : hahaha lawokss! at least Opie and Atiq ngaku!~ baju Kakwe eh tu??

Anonymous said...

KYS is that Kolej Yayasan Saad? If that's so, it was one of my account about 3 years back where I used to visit for a small project there.

Tengku Atique said...'s Kolej Yayasan Saad...

...i wonder who you are, Anonymous :|

Anonymous said...

me? i'm a blue blood just like you. :)