Monday, December 3, 2007

of that 20th birthday

Happy Birthday to meeee :D

i got birthday wishes in all sorts of languages; Malay, English, Korean, do they say it in Russia ek, Aimi?~

thanks to the people who called at midnight :
Amin (!!) who for the first time ever ever wished me happy birthday mase midnight...kalau tak slalu je wish pukul 11 sebab dah nak tido haha. thanks min!~
Orang Misteri who called and dragged the conversation semata2 sebab nak sabotaj tanak kasik other calls masuk...haha jahaatttt!! (kepada Lala n Lynn --> i'm not telling who Orang Misteri is :p )
Lynn yang call and bising2 tanye nape call takleh masuk mase midnight and Lala tukang bising at the background yang mengantoikan that it wasnt Amin that i was on the phone with....tak aci laaa korang main siasat2 cantu!~ and Aminnn...tak kaver2 pun for meee!~ kekeke
Bing who called all the way from Bath =) its been ages!
Shamil who didnt call but i know he would have if he wasnt in Switzerland berfoya2....ish3 *geleng-geleng kepala

thanks to the people who gave me birthday cards :
Housemate2ku yang pura2 tak ingat walaupun Atiq bising gile on the phone malam tadi and left a card on my table while i was in the showerr...heeee...sayang korang very theeeeee!!
Junior2ku sayang Adilah Aliyah and Anida (and Syazif sebok heee) for the very comeyl bday card and for the snickers...thaaankkssss!!!~~~~~~~

and of ccoooouuurrrseee.... to everyone who remembered dari his/her own memory, dari his/her handphone memory, mahupun dari Friendster... hee ^.^ who wished me mase terserempak with me around in Brookfield, texted me, or gave me birthday friendster comments... (or message - heee thanks awak!~)

(omg i use waaay to many heeees)

i went on a hunt for a birthday gift for myself in town tadi...spent the whole petang there but i couldnt find anything i liiiikkee!!! uwaaaaaaa. there was nothing in River Island, nothing in Debenhams, nothing in MNG, nothing in Clarks, nothing in Schuh....nothing even in Dorothy Perkins!! i meannnn...what are the odds of that to happen?? uwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaa....i SOOO wanna buy myself something special for my birthday, but i tak jmpe ape2 ponnn....sedihh...i nearly cried when it was getting dark and i still havent bought anything :( so i ended up buying myself a pair of bath gloves and a memory card for my K1 KRZR so i can record my lectures.



so when Mama called rase cam na nanges je ckp ngan Mama....huwaaaaaa~

(i do NOT write this with the hope that ppl will thus give me birthday gifts!~ huuu. i want to buy one sendiri~ )

okay maybe i shouldnt talk like this anymore....Atiiiiqqqq dah umur twenty okaayyyy!~ sila membesar!! uwwaaaaa....sampai tua2 ni pun people still panggil Atiq budak kecik la, kanak-kanak laaaa...sobsobs. its just soooo hard to not be manje, sighs.

okay thennn....this is it. i'm twenty. TWENTY. after this the end numbers will change and not the initial numbers anymore. no more sixteen to seventeen to eighteen. all there will be are twenty two. twenty three. yikes!~

so i'm TUA....and most if not all of my friends are eveeeennnn TUA-er than meeee......even my juniors...hahahaha...gelakkan korangggg :p :p :p

happy birthday to me :) doakan usia Atiq diberkati~

salam alaik,
Atiqah :D :D :D
(i'm going to MP nak carik belated birthday present for myself - being 20 is very important...its a milestone!~ kena carik jugak...kalau tak i'll be depressed for a long long time sbb kempunan :( )


Iron Butterfly said...

you counted wrong. After 20 is TWENTY-ONE, then TWENTY-TWO.

Anyway, where's MY NAME???

Have fun hunting present for yerself.

n Z r A said...

nak ikot gi mahon pointttttttttt

Anonymous said...

i know m wayy nk komen jgk.. sejak bile pulok the first number tuka... i mean, if 17,18,19 and 21,22,23. see the sequence and the similarity? kalu ikuk the TEEN memela... dats y i sed ur teen-ager no adult-er now..huehue

Mila Liyana said...

owh atique.. sorry missed this one.. huhu, happy belated bday! that cake looks yummy..

ps: C Dnyom Razhdenia!

Tengku Atique said...

thanks!! ooohh... cantu eh happy bday in Russian?? (i've nooo idea how to pronounce that haha)

p.s. the cake really was yummy!~