Saturday, December 8, 2007

mencemar duli ke MP

i'm currently having a bad headache. but i cant lie down because i just had dinner. i didnt wanna have dinner because i wanna lie down, but i had to have dinner coz i wanna take mefac tabs for my migrain, and i have gastritis so i cant risk taking any nsaid without food. hoho. i shall not complain having these penyakits. they are obviously nothing compared to the bejillion other worse diseases other people have.

nways i just got back from MP. it was a nice day out i'd say, Kak Rose and Nad were a lot of fun. Kak Rose nak belanje tengok movie as a birthday treat for me (hee) and since Enchanted wont be out until the 14th (diamlarrr orang kat Malaysia. comment2 yang mengandungi perkataan 'loser' takkan diapprove...hehe) we ended up watching 'The Assasination of Jessee James by the Coward Robert Something-atiq-tak-ingat'..the one with Brad Pitt and a guy yang disyaki related to Ben Affleck innit. only thing i can say about the movie is ssaikooooo (dibaca dengan tone yang sering digunakan oleh Dayah Hamdi). we shopped around for a bit before and after the movie.. Kak Rose bought a top in Gasoline and Nad bought a top in Debenhams and i bought....nothing.

the jacket i fell in love with in Next. sighs. its 90-friggin-Euros.
(i know it look the same with the black one i have...tak kire nak jugak uwaa)

sighs. i dont knowwwww what my problem is. i just cant find anything that i like! well, i do...but all of them seem to be above 90euros. Nad jokingly said i'm high maintenance. i am nooooottt. i suppose i'll just have to be patient and wait for the christmas sale to start. i was sooo kecewa sebab tak beli ape2...but at least i got a birthday prezzie from Kak Rose and Kak Cikin...i got another Bubuuuu~~~ wheeeeee!~ suke suke!

and of course, before going back we went to get coffee. ahhh. the simple joy of having brain freeze from drinking mochachillos on a cold winter evening. it was raining when we walked out to the bus stop.


long day out + coffee + rain = migrain.

but it was worth it :D

thanks for today...sayang Kak Rose and Nad!!~

Atiqah *_*


Iron Butterfly said...

hey that's my friend there you're hanging out with. HI ROSE!!!!

Tengku Atique said...

haha. yeah, shes like my big sis over here. shes really really nice...and shes rich! miahahaha~

Anonymous said...

jelesnye... i want that furry jacket u'r wearing... if only it's not so hot here. i'm almost ayahanda's clolour now. bencila jadi penyerap haba yang baik...

Tengku Atique said...

penyerap haba yang baik??! hahahaha. apekahh..aigooo (kakwe, housemate2 atiq jjakit oyak aigoo jugok doh lonih, keke)