Wednesday, October 31, 2007

anak dols/emptyheaded idiots

latar tempat : road from Glasheen to Brookfield, u know, that big jalan, the one where the bar is
latar masa : two-ish p.m.
watak : three idiots around 14 years old, a fake brunette, people in the car, and the short-tempered Tengku Nur 'Atiqah.

i was walking down the road when i suddenly noticed something flying near me, narrowly missing my head, and smashed on the road; it was an EGG.

satisfied that the idiots missed me (my newfound mutant superpower: egg-shield) and refusing to give them the satisfaction of getting a response, i walked selamberly straight towards the traffic lights without turning to see who threw the eggs, slapped the pedestrian crossing sensor perhaps a little bit too hard and stood waiting for the pedestrian light to turn green.

then i thought whoever threw the eggs must've turned round and walked away, so i turned to see who it was, and saw three grinning irish boys walking away and glancing back at me every now and then.

(i was so tempted to give them the finger)
(gave them an angry stare)
(still tempted to give them the finger)
(consoled myself)
(people in the car were staring at me; i might've subconsciously turned into a she-hulk for all i know)

to you anak dols out there. if those eggs of yours land on ANY of my coats, ESPECIALLY the one i was wearing tadi, u're dead meat. maybe i should carry Kak Nik's hammer around with me and scare them shitless if they try that again. mm-hmm.

-psychotic girl/anak-dol hater-

Monday, October 29, 2007

of this PR job and daylight saving


nak nanges...boleh x?

being a PRO for MCS, keje die selain dr keje2 yang Event Manager kasik, basically is just checking emails and sending texts.


not quite.

slh Atiq jgk...buat keje ape2 tah. kan dah kena maki kat orang. haih. lame dah tak kena maki. skali skale kena maki perit jugak rase. especially bile orang tu Atiq kenal. bagus jugak gune number MCS buat keje, die tak tau sape yang hantar the msg. (i doubt the person reads my takpe la cakap kat sini kan?) (takut la pulak)

ishk. manje gile. sikit2 nak nanges. tolonglar Atiqah. kecik sampai besar prangai lebih kurang same je.

anyway. yesterday everybody reversed their watches satu jam kebelakang - its the beginning of the Daylight Saving period. dah start dah zaman2 pukul 6 dah gelap gelita. makin jauh plak rasa dengan orang Malaysia bila beza masa dah tambah, from 7 hours dah jadi 8 hours. selamat menjadi semakin merana kepada mereka yang ada balak/awek/suami/isteri/tunang dikejauhan, ucapan ikhlas daripada saya yang single, haha.

eh cam jahat plak.

kan senang if i have the power to do just that? kalau rase tak sempat nak buat something, or i'm going to be late for some important event, just make everybody in the world reverse their watches and make all the satellites change the cellphone and laptop clocks of all homo sapiens. nice.

ooh. i came back from Dublin smalam. missed the 5pm bus sbb makan cake and food from Rico's at Lynn's so decided to redah je naik bas pukul7 sorang2. turned out i met some seniors waiting for the bus mase i went to the bus stop. bile sampai Cork they had to (read the keterpaksaan note) send me back home dulu dengan cab, being the noble gentlemen that they are, then baru they go back to their house in Wilton. segan GILE, sumpah tak tipu. i dont really know any of them. ye la kenal la name tapi i dont know know them, u know what i mean?

(theres way too many knows in that paragraph)

i always do that, ishk. selalu je put myself in awkward situations. sepatutnye Atiq amek je cab sorang2 and smile and say 'no thanks, i'll be fine' je bile diorang offer nak hantar, and not just stand there like an antisocial freak and wait for instructions. God, i surprise myself sometimes with how unfriendly and unapproachable and un-a-lot-of-things i can be. it boggles the mind.

i think i'm losing my social skills. like seriously. and i think my self-esteem has all gone down the drain. apehal tah. cacat gile la Atiqah.

ramai ke orang bace blog Atiq ye? Atiq tau just kakak, Opie, Mimie, and senior2 sengal tapi best rumah Halldene n Charnwood yang slalu bace...hmm. u there. YOU. let me know u're reading this kay? hehe.

(entry ini sungguh menyedihkan i think. ah. whatever. i'm publishing it neways)

gnight peeps.


Thursday, October 25, 2007

it's true. i'm THAT boh-ring.

Your Personality Profile

You are nurturing, kind, and lucky.
Like mother nature, you want to help everyone.
You are good at keeping secrets and tend to be secretive.

A seeker of harmony, you are a natural peacemaker.
You are good natured and people enjoy your company.
You put people at ease and make them feel at home with you.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

something meaningful to ramble about~

(this blog is dedicated to myself more than to others. it is not deliberately meant to offense or attack anyone by any chance)


6 letters. its seems so simple, isnt it? maybe it is simple. maybe i'm the one thats making it seem so impossible. HOW do they do it anyways? how do people change? how do they get so strong? how do they keep a straight face when friends are mocking them? how do they smile when they got called a hypocrite? how do they keep going on when people say its not gonna last? how do they wear the right clothes and ignore all the smirks? how do they act the right way without getting influenced with the way everybody else is acting?~



Rasulullah S.A.W. bersabda, maksudnya:

"Kenabian akan berada bersamamu selama mana ia dikehendaki oleh Allah, kemudian Dia mengangkatnya ketika mana Dia mahu mengangkatnya

Kemudian akan tiba pula zaman Khilafah di atas Manhaj Kenabian selama mana ia dikehendaki oleh Allah, kemudian Dia mengangkatnya ketika mana Dia mahu mengangkatnya

Kemudian datang pula zaman raja yang menggigit selama mana ia dikehendaki oleh Allah, kemudian Dia mengangkatnya ketika mana Dia mahu mengangkatnya

Selepas itu muncul pula zaman raja yang diktator selama mana ia dikehendaki oleh Allah, kemudian Dia mengangkatnya ketika mana Dia mahu mengangkatnya

Kemudian akan hadir pula zaman Khilafah di atas manhaj Kenabian..."


there it is. reason that is reason enough for anything. strength, core of all strengths. Allah promised victory for Islam. This victory is going to happen, with or without me. Now, i have a choice: to be the person who is part of it, or to be the person who simply watch it happen. To be a person who strives for Akhirah, or to be seorang yang lalai dengan keduniaan. harta dan hiburan. takut mati. takut untuk fikir tentang dosa. takut untuk fikirkan tentang seksaan kubur.



why do i care so much of what people say? people. siapakah mereka ini di Padang Mahsyar nanti? sekadar salah satu dari selautan manusia. yang mungkin berbogel. mungkin bercahaya. mungkin menggelupur kepanasan. will they even recognize me? will they help me when i am questioned,


Pada ketika ini aku hanya aku. I will be held responsible for every single thing i do. Aku yang akan dipersalahkan. Aku yang akan dihukum. Tuhan yang akan menjadi Hakim. hanya Allah yang Maha Berkuasa.

Jadi kenapa harus aku ikut kata manusia? kenapa perlu aku ikut arus mereka?

To sin is one thing, to mock others who try no to sin is another.

Bila berkelakuan, beradablah dengan adab yang diredhai Allah. Bila berpakaian, pakailah pakaian yang disukaiNya.

Dia Pencipta. Dia Maha Berkuasa. it is Him that we need to please, why is it so hard for us to realize that?

Sungguh, manusia tidak tahu bersyukur dengan kasih sayang dah nikmat yang dikurniakan oleh-Nya.

Reminder to self:
Kejarlah dunia, tetapi kejarlah ia demi mengejar Akhirat. bukan kerana harta dan kekayaan. Kalau boleh bawak masuk kubur pun dah tak boleh pegi shopping dah okay. huhu.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Forgive. and Forget.

it makes you feel sooooo much better, seriously. you should try it sometime.

i was wronged, betrayed, belittled, lied to straight on my face (i actually know as a fact that very moment that the person's lying, but i couldnt say anything about it. its the worst, most horrible feeling ever, ever)

i felt angry, upset, sad, disappointed. i wanted to scream and yell and reveal all that i know. but i didnt, thinking of the anger i will thus cause, thinking of the friendship that i'll probably ruin.

but then i thought... WHY am i wasting so much energy and time and feeling on these people? seriously, like. they dont appreciate me. so they're not worth fretting over, right. like, whatever.

they're going to be SO miserable already for what they did, so i'll just leave them be and let go of it.

it feels great :D

ooooohhh. Kakwe called and told me TONNES of cerita2 on the two little kiddos and their Raya, haha. feel a bit updated now. sungguh pressure takde gambar Raya from my family back at home. why oh why desktop kat White Villa buat hal mase Raya, hadeyh.

and i got a new handphone today :D its really nice. it's loaned by this person for me to use for MCS, since i'm the PRO. bile my housemates tanye pasal the handphone, i told them the person confessed his love for me and gave me the phone as a keepsake, hahahaha.

(nobody believed it, cehss.)

gotta go sleep.

i love YOU.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Syahdu di pagi Aidilfitri~

(here i am writing this blog in my room on pagi Raya, with the sound of my buzzing laptop and the voice of Dayah talking on the phone with her family as the background,)

everything was fine last night...after solat Maghrib, all 5 tenants of 15, Glendale Road sat in a halaqah and recited takbir...after that we all jumped around Khaza's room and yelled Selamat Hari Raya!! to each other (we probably annoyed the hell out of our neighbours,hehe). After solat Isya' we all walked to Clashduv to take the raw materials and walked back home to start cooking rendang for Cork's jamuan Raya (after a lot of fuss on which tudung would match Dayah's and Khaza's baju raya). We listened to lagu rayas while we were cooking and sang along (them) and screamed along (me).

slept fine last night, felt somone (Dayah) crept beside me under the duvet just before i died of exhaustion...she was probably homesick or something. Woke up to Mas's excited voice talking on the phone with her family, walked up to shut the door (i think i pushed the door too hard, it banged and Mas was reduced from talking at the hallway to talking on the stairs,adeyh)

Mas peeked into my room after she finished talking on the phone to wake me up for Subuh.. me and Dayah walked sleepily down to Khaza's room to pray. Nisa's probably still sick, poor girl. After Subuh Mas suggested for another round of takbir and we all agreed. berpandukan the book Kelly gave me, as always.

(and then everything just went out of control...)

since i was holding the book, i began the first part of takbir, and my voice started shaking...i broke down and sobbed as soon as i passed the book to Mas..and somehow along the way Mas started sobbing a little bit,too~

was thinking of what I'm going to have for breakfast today...i dont even have any cereal left, for God's sake. thinking about eating cereal on Raya is really tearing me apart..kalau kat rumah...pagi2 bile dah siap cantik2 turun kat bawah ade nasik himpit, kuah kacang, satay,macaroni bakar,rendang...and ade Mama...

and i was thinking about my sisters...smalam diorang ckp nk gi tidur rumah Tokku temankan Tokku sebab sepupu2 sebelah Ayahnda ramai yang exam tahun ni so takde sorang pun balik...mesti kecoh diorang siap2 pagi Raya...diorang pegi smayang Raya kat masjid Telipot ke ye.

bile la agaknye boleh Raya kat rumah lagi...lagi la lama now that i stupidly elongated my study period~

Shallow kadang2 rase diri ni bile fikir, sikitnye derita yang Atiq rase skarang berbanding dengan derita orang lain, tak layak rasanya nak nangis beriya macam ni..

Selamat Hari Raya dari kami di perantauan..

jangan lupakan kami~

Thursday, October 11, 2007


you who had always been here there and everywhere when i need you
you who lent me money when that scumbag snatched my handbag and i was too scared to tell my dad about it
you who went to the college mosque in the middle of the night to take my specs for me coz i recklessly left it there
you who always call me at all the right times
you who buy me ice cream from the college shop every other day
you who gave me rides home
you who listens and never judged me
you who forgave me for hating you once
you that my sisters love so much
you whos making my bestfriend the happiest girl on earth
you the older brother i never had
you there in India.

i've missed you.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Jem - Just A Ride

its a soundtrack from The OC season 1, and i love both the lyrics and the song.

Life, it's ever so strange
It's so full of change
Think that you've worked it out
then BANG
Right out of the blue
Something happens to you
To throw you off course
and then you

Yeah you breakdown
Well don't you breakdown
Listen to me

It's just a ride, it's just a ride
no need to run, no need to hide
It'll take you round and round
Sometimes you're up
sometimes you're down
It's just a ride, it's just a ride
don't be scared
don't hide your eyes
It may feel so real inside
but don't forget it's just a ride

Truth, we don't wanna hear
It's too much to take
Don't like to feel out of control
So we make our plans
Ten times a day
And when they don't go
our way we

Yeah we breakdown
Well don't you breakdown
Listen to me

It's just a ride, it's just a ride
no need to run, no need to hide
It'll take you round and round
Sometimes you're up
sometimes you're down
It's just a ride, it's just a ride
don't be scared
don't hide your eyes
It may feel so real inside
but don't forget it's just a ride

Slowly, oh so very slowly
accept that
there's no getting off
So live it, just gotta go with it
coz this ride's, never gonna stop

Don't you breakdown
No need to breakdown
No need at all

It's just a ride, it's just a ride
no need to run, no need to hide
It'll take you all around
Sometimes you're up
sometimes you're down
It's just a ride, it's just a ride
don't be scared now
dry your eyes
It may feel so real inside
but dont forget enjoy the ride.

It's just a ride, it's just a ride
no need to run, no need to hide
It'll take you all around
Sometimes you're up
sometimes you're down
It's just a ride, it's just a ride
don't be scared now
dry your eyes
It may feel so real inside
but dont forget enjoy the ride.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Encik Bubu

I dont have a soft toy/huge bear/anything like that on my bed, just three quilted pillows and a double bed duvet. its getting lonely sleeping in such a big bed alone.

i have this tendency to call any of my friend's soft toys Bubu when i go for sleepovers and sleep with them, tak kire name sebenar diorang ape..kadang2 takde name pun (Kak Yan!! grrr. kena letak name laa!)

i like Kak Iza's Bubu and Taq's Bubu and Kak Yan's Bubu and and and.... *sighs*

i think its about time i go get my own Bubu to keep me ideal Bubu wud have long(er than usual) kaki n tangan, soft to touch, and be a part-beanie, and can lie snugly on me..yesh..i'd want that Bubu. I'm yet to find him though, i looked around town yesterday but none seem to be THE perfect Bubu for me...when i buy one i'm gonna make sure that i really really really like it, baru berbaloi. Sebab i notice soft Bubus are pwetty expensive, *sighs*

sit tight there Encik Bubu, one day i'll come round and get you okay.


Tuesday, October 2, 2007


i stayed up after subuh today especially to make sure i start the day early to go to the Second Year CP lecture at 9 and then to the General Office to book a room for MCS's Iftar on Monday (insyaAllah)

realized someone got into the shower before me so i decided to cuddle in the duvet because it was SO cold, sumpah tak tipu.

woke up, glanced at my watch, and its hands almost sarcastically showed the time to me:


great. missed the CP lecture.

scrambled off my bed and got in the shower, threw stuff here and there in my room while i was getting ready, at the same time worrying endlessly about my bike coz i completely forgot to move it to the backyard so it's parked in the front lawn, open to anyone to take sebab i didnt lock it to any tiang, just to itself.

okay enough babbling.

so i finally got to the General Office on time and filled in the booking form, only to be told that they'll be confirming L1's availability tomorrow, or earliest possible this evening.


smalam dah cakap kat kak Ros nak confirm balik hari ni.

inefficient and kelam kabut, i hate first times.
at least i'm learning.

so i went to the Student Center tu buy a thank you card for Kak Cikin and Kak Rose (kak Ros and Kak Rose are two separate entities) and also some other stuff - only to find out at the counter that i left my purse dalam kekalutan nak siap2 tadi.

thats so me.

so i went to Boole Library to borrow Vander's Human Physiology, praying hard that the receptionist'll let me in anyways eventhough i dont have my student i.d. with me to scan my way through.

i miss studying, weird as it sounds.

she was willing to let me in for 5 mins, but then she said i'd need my i.d. anyways to borrow the book.


right. so i walked to Boole Basement to do some stuff and saw the super looooong line in BOTH labs for BOTH computers and printers.

SO unproductive and SO not a good way to start a day.

well. at least i booked the room.

anyway its only 12.46pm so i still have time to do things to make sure today isnt completely wasted.

so i hereby announce today LAUNDRY DAY, to wash the clothes in the almost full super-sized Argos laundry bag.

will go up to campus again to borrow Vander's later on today insyaAllah.

have a nice day people.
