Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My classmates are crazy.

(/on a lighter note...)

"Are we driving to the maternity hospital, or are we taking a cab?" Andrea asked, confused as to what our plan was, on how to get to the next tutorial from the Midwestern Regional Hospital we're doing our Paediatrics rotation in.

"I could drive, I don't mind."

"But Laura...there are six of us*."

"One of us can lie in the car boot"

"Niall's the smallest!" I chipped in quickly, a huge grin plastered on my face.

"...said Atiqah, as she looks UP to me." Well. Niall is actually taller.

I rolled my eyes and we all walked to the parking lot, where Laura parked her car. I was naturally the last one to reach her car, seeing as everyone else was from the Long-Legged Caucasian alien race. When I got there, everyone was gathered at the back of the car, and I saw Niall climbing into the boot.

"Wait guys, you were actually SERIOUS about this?!?!"

"No shit."

"But..." I started, but everyone else was already getting into the car, leaving Niall in the boot like it was the most natural thing to do ever.

Hilarious exchanges include;

Mike: Is there a road with a lot of speed bumps that we can go through...?
Niall: *yelling from the boot* I HEARD THAT MIKE.

Andrea: Are you still alive, Niall?
Niall: Yeeaaap.

Laura: Would you like some music, Niall?
Niall: Crank it upppp!!

Also, on the way back, there was a strong smell of something delicious in the car, and nobody knew what is was.

Well. It was Niall, eating his lunch in the car boot because he was bored.

I'm going to miss these nutjobs.


*In Ireland, you can't squeeze as many people as you like in a car. You can get pulled over by the guards** for carrying five passengers instead of four.
**The Irish call their cops the Gardai. But because the Irish language is going extinct, they just call them guards, which is, the english translation of gardai.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Fear factor

Setiap hari aku derhaka pada Tuhan.

Sengaja. Tak sengaja. Tabiat.

Bila aku keluarkan buku untuk belajar, hati mula diruntun rasa bersalah. Nak baca doa, tersekat di kerongkong. Air liur rasa macam air longkang. Well, aku tak pernah rasa air longkang, tapi aku agak-agak dia rasa macam tu. Kot.

Kenapa aku takut sangat nak final exam dalam masa dua bulan lagi?

Aku takut kerana. Kerana aku sebenarnya tak jahil. Tapi aku yang pilih untuk menjahilkan persepsi aku sendiri. Allah tunjukkan aku jalan tapi kaki aku kaku di tapak yang sama.

Aku takut kerana. Kerana aku tahu, bukan lagi syaitan yang patut aku persalahkan. Iman aku lemah. Aku tunduk pada nafsu. Lalai. Hanyut.

Aku takut kerana. Kerana aku tahu, result exam aku, dah lama tercatat di Luh Mahfuz. Allah tetapkan, sesuai dengan apa yang aku deserve. Yang terbaik untuk aku, sebab Allah Maha Mengetahui.

And right now, honestly speaking?

I don't deserve anything good from Him.

That's the reason.

That's why I'm so scared.

Ramai orang tak suka diajak membayangkan syurga dan neraka.

Benci, mungkin.

Menyampah, mungkin.

Tapi Allah rahmati aku dengan kawan-kawan yang sentiasa ingatkan aku tentang itu.

Dan setiap kali.

Hati aku reput dalam ketakutan.
