Sunday, April 24, 2011

Summer is coming soon

Hey, blog.

So much is at stake this summer, it's getting more and more overwhelming for me. I just...I have to pass this finals, especially, in one go.

There is a constant melancholy accompanying me every single day lately, as one after one medical finals ended at the various universities my friends go (/went) to, and more and more 'Alhamdulillah...I am now qualified' appear in my facebook homepage.

Don't get me wrong, I'm genuinely happy for them, and I'm thankful that I skipped standard four so I'm actually the same age with the rest of the Malaysian fourth's the weird sense of getting left behind that gets to me. Only a couple of people are staying back to work here, so I'm losing quite a portion of my friends next year. I've grown so used to having them be my family all these years, the thought of them graduating and going back to Malaysia for good is just so unbearable...

Anyway, here's a gorgeous song for you.

This is how I feel
Whenever I'm with you
Everything is all about you
Too good to be true

Somehow I just can't believe
You can lay your eyes on me
If this is a fairytale
I wish it will end happily

Even though we are apart I can feel you here next to me
Here and now I will vow, stay with me

Let me love you
With all my heart
You are the one for me
You are the light in my soul
Let me hold you
With my arms
I wanna feel love again
'Cos I know
Love is you


Monday, April 18, 2011

Hilarious things that I did when I first gained independence...from my parents.

I am very clingy with my mom and would become an uber obnoxious and annoying daughter around her, especially when I am sick. However, oleh kerana Ayahnda adalah sangat menakutkan, Atiq tetap apply MRSM when I was in Form 3, determined to move out from my house. I sent it in without my dad's signature, and without my school's stamp of approval (because Naim understandably hates losing *cough*good*cough* students to MRSMs), and miraculously got accepted to MRSM PC anyway.

I eagerly waved my parents goodbye on that first registration day, after Mama unpacked all my stuff into my locker and put the bedsheet on for me. Little did I know back then, that I would struggle so much in those first months in boarding school.

I had absolutely no idea how to do anything. Noted hilarity that happened was;

  • Doing a peer-to-peer survey on how many minutes does it take for my friends to wash each item of clothing...because it took me AGES.
  • Asking my friend to do a demo on how she folds her clothes because she folded them so neat and meticulously, and no matter how hard I try, I was so shit at folding clothes (I am now ace at it)
  • Asking my dormmate to teach me how to nila my school uniform because I tried and it turned out all blotchy and...sigh.
I also had no clue of the untold rules of hostel life, such as the 'AFTER!' rule of the showers and the no-sleeping-with-your-bestfriend-on-the-same-bed rule, because I came from a family of 8 sisters and this was the norm for me.

Also, the boys block was SO NEAR to ours that on the first few days, I actually thought it was part of the girls' block so...I...walked to the tempat sidai kain behind our block to hang my washed laundry wearing my towel. Just my towel.


Needless to say, my dormmate was completely horrified when she saw this, and yelled at me to get back upstairs. I was bewildered at this seemingly unwarranted drama, but obeyed anyway.

Later that day, after things were explained to me (in a rather exasperated WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS STUCK IN OBLIVION manner), I felt like jumping off a cliff.

There was obviously a late-night roll call that night, because the seniors heard about a slut roaming around naked in her towel near the boys block. They had kindly included helpful anecdotes amidst their angry shrieks, such as 'don't think you can do whatever you like because you have a sister here'.

All I worried about at that point in time was my older sister finding out about what had happened. I was about as scared of her as I was of my dad*.

Such are the things that I was (am?) capable of, because I live in a world of my own.


*to put this in context, she once yelled at me from the front door of my class during night prep because I lost her history textbook