Tuesday, October 12, 2010


kadang-kadang i do things that are just SO opposite from the way i feel that i worry about my mental health status.

in psychiatry lecture the other day, when the lecturer gave brief anecdotes about several personality disorders? it sent shivers down my spine.

my nickname in mIRC in the olden days? [^split_identity^]

seriously, at 23, i thought i'd have it all figured out. but nope. i'm still learning. still searching for what i really want, for where i stand in the world.

but i've grown and learned a lot, too.

that Getting Past OK book? i slowed down because i started getting slightly pissed off at the author for repeatedly trying to insinuate that religion has a negative impact on people. i finally got over it though. currently on page 59, and picking up pace because i reached the important chapters.

in other news, i really love paediatrics.

(my flow of thought makes no sense)

hearts and kisses

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