Tuesday, March 30, 2010

heres a train of pictures fer yah

room = classy
woman = broke
tickets = GOT THEM, BOO-YAH!

Will Grayson, Will Grayson

it's coming out soon. ahhhh. i want to pre-order it, buy it, nom-nom it. i mean John Green AND David Levithan co-wrote it. and John Green spent 5 years writing it. this book is going to be epic in mind-blowing proportions.

...but i haz got no monnay. well, i do have loads of monnay, but i went to a travel agency this morning to checkout flight tickets, and the price right now is E976. T___T

i died a little inside when i saw the quotation. going to see another travel agent tomorrow before i succumb to that price, because i don't want to risk them running out of tickets for me to go back before awah's wedding.

oh well. can't have everything we want in life. it's always one or the other. (either flight tickets, or food. ONLY ONE. haha)


Saturday, March 27, 2010

late bloomer

kalaulah seorang Atiqah yang berumur enam tahun tahu, bahawa kulit kuning langsat dan rambut panjang ikal mayang yang sering dijadikan ciri tipikal watak protagonis utama wanita dalam novel cinta leleh melayu akan menjadi miliknya satu hari nanti.

sudah tentu dia tidak menangis apabila melihat cermin, merasakan dirinya anak gadis paling buruk rupa parasnya antara anak-anak gadis lain di Kelantan yang cantik molek semuanya.

i'm not saying i'm gorgeous because i'm obviously not. all i'm saying is that i'm not too bad either.

live and let live.


Sunday, March 21, 2010

on Luke's email

if I keep getting to know people like Luke over here, it's going to be really hard to find a Malay guy as smart and cunning as I'd like them to be.

'...When I'm in water I give myself to it. It rejects me and keeps me on the surface where I belong. I love feeling something more powerful than I will ever be.' -Luke


Thursday, March 18, 2010

tough day.

i've been through quite a few major losses in my life so far. my late uncle, sister, Nenda.

i know quite a bit about being the one being left behind to go on living. breathing. suffering.

i went along with my GP to a dying patient's house this afternoon.

they were a lovely family.

a lot of cars parked outside.

sons and daughters who just arrived from the faraway land that they live in.

an old man lying down on the bed. deep in his morphine and valium induced slumber.

he has cancer.

it was all too familiar i could barely hold myself.

could barely keep a professional front.

i can't imagine dealing with this on a daily basis.

it's. hard.

Friday, March 12, 2010

colloquial english 101

1) call in - 'you can call in anytime you want!'

kita faham : boleh telefon bila-bila masa

sebenarnya : boleh datang (ke rumah/ke klinik/etc) bila-bila masa

2) do you have the time?

kita faham : adakah anda mempunyai masa terluang?

sebenarnya : ada jam tak, pukul brape ek?

3) dinner

kita faham : makan malam

sebenarnya : meal paling besar untuk hari itu. kalau orang irish, memang benda biasa refer to makan tengahari as 'dinner'

4) quarter to/quarter past - 'what time is it?' 'quarter to'

kita faham : kita tak faham

sebenarnya : as a general consensus, semua orang akan tahu roughly pukul berapa. kalau roughly pukul 1, maksud 'quarter to' is 12.45

5) bungalow

kita faham : rumah sebiji yang tidak melekat dengan rumah-rumah lain

sebenarnya : rumah setingkat

6) spuds - 'i had spuds for dinner'

kita faham : kita tak faham

sebenarnya : kentang


Monday, March 8, 2010


Sweet, so would I,
Yet I should kill thee with much cherishing.
Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow,
That I shall say good night till it be morrow.

(Juliet in Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare)

I thought I'd take you for a walk

...because today was gorgeous =)


p.s. wanted to edit it better, but Movie Maker was being a pain in the arse. as per usual.

Friday, March 5, 2010


4th entry in a row, gila ke Atiqah?

dari tadi lagi tutup lampu masuk duvet dan bersiap sedia untuk tido, namun tidak berjaya. nak study tapi penat. penat tapi takleh tido htyFT^(*y9ubnsi37^&

oh, saya ada satu cerita, cerita sekolah menengah yang teringat haritu sebab bilik besepah tahap...tahap...entahlah tahap apa. (teringat Tokku datang rumah masa Mama and Ayahnda pergi Mekah dulu and jerit "ini rumah orang ke rumah orang gila??!!!???" -> ini rumah kerani anak lapan yang takde servant sampai 4 5 orang, Tokku)

anyway, back to my cerita.

masa tu dekat mrsm, morning call. kenapa tah atiq pegi morning call masa tu? selalu lalu je depan semua orang yang tengah morning call and straight pergi kelas. oohhhh...mungkin masa tu cikgu roslan tunggu kat belakang astaka. masa tu, encik Then Boyfriend jadi emcee, macam biasa. dia emcee morning call, saya ponteng morning call. macam yin&yang ke macam ni? dia duduk meja depan cikgu, saya tidur dalam kelas. hahaha budus punya Atiqah. eh eh tersidetracked pulak. kat mana tadi?

oh, kat morning call. masa tu ada pertandingan bilik terkemas or something like that. encik Then Boyfriend announce nama pemenang, kategori lelaki and perempuan. sekali ada award bilik paling sepah.

teka sape dapat award tu?

sape lagi.

dah la bukan bilik, cube. maksudnya, ada dua orang je yang bersalah: Atiqah, dan cubemate Atiqah.

...encik Then Boyfriend pula?

dapat award bilik terkemas.


there is a simple rule of thumb that exists in matters of the heart;
you shall begin hurting the moment you start caring.

there is a Reason why i have grown to be so cold and heartless. at first i pretended not to care, but soon enough it became who i am.

i shall remind myself of the Reason now, and for ever more.

sleep tight, world.


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Clonmel - epilogue

hey blog.

because I put off writing this one a bit too long, I'd forgotten the quotable quotes and the things I drafted in my head.

one thing for sure is - Clonmel will always be the only hospital rotation that I had full attendance to, and stayed from 8.30am until at least 5pm 90% of the time.

the doctors even said goodbye to us that Friday :') i'm quite sure they're the only doctors in the world who cares about friggin' third meds.

Doctor 1 : Are you going down to ICU?
Doctor 2 : I have a cardioversion scheduled down in CCU for a bit.
Medical Student : CAN I COME WITH?!
Doctor 1 + 2 : Good response!!

a geek is a geek is a geek.
