Sunday, February 28, 2010

atiq stalks YOU

i looked up alan (the anaesthetist i had a crush on in Clonmel) on facebook without really hoping for anything to turn up because he's quite old and i just don't expect him to have one....BUT.

i found him!! he look SO much older without the scrubs and stethoscope on.

Friday, February 26, 2010

jatuh cinta

i'm back in cork! officially done with clonmel - kisah clonmel final coming soon. so sad one :'(

ALSO, didn't even get to say goodbye to my crush, dia on call the night before maka he went back early, and i was down in CCU for a cardioversion. he asked where i was yesterday because he was looking all over for me, nak je cakap 'i was looking all over for you, too' tetapi ada nurses nearby, maka senyum dan diam sahaja. tidak mahu dituduh menggatal dengan dokter, tsk.

he looked absolutely wrecked because he was on call twice in three days, and theres some drama going on the theatre or something because ada doctor datang bisik2 dengan dia and when i walked up to him he just said 'don't talk to me now'

omg penutup paling downer dalam dunia.

selamat tinggal dokter kesayangan. haha.

lepas have a massive crush on him baru perasan i like tall lanky chinese-look guys with broad shoulders. most of my crushes have that, tapi tak ramai yang tinggi kerana saya tinggal di Malaysia. (i know i know sisters, Penguin have none of those. he was a damaged soul with lots of money, and i was barely 17. cut me some slack)

yang dah lama gila tak tulis pasal guys. he's an exception i suppose because nothing's bound to happen anyways.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Bangau pendek warna oren.

Minggu depan start rotation anaesthetics. I hope the teaching is good. I hope I have the mental capacity to memorize all the freaking drugs and their mechanism and whatever by the time I start, so I don't look stupid when they ask me questions, especially since Lim isn't going to be there to save my arse.

I'm going to miss Dr. Henry. He's definitely one of the smartest people I would ever get to know. Shahril (the intern) si pendiam who barely spoken a word to me actually asked,

'oh, second week start anaest ek?'

'....fourth week, Shahril'


'dah tiga minggu I'm in your team.'

'haha, rasa cam kejap gile.'

haih. tell me about it.

k la korang. gonna go masak dinner. got a free ride to clonmel minggu ni, kak aimi sewa kereta.

be good!


Saturday, February 20, 2010

soooo true

do you remember when you were a kid, and you used to wake up really early, and run downstairs and watch cartoons at like 6am or something ridiculous like that. when did waking up get so difficult.

(via Tumblr

senyum sampai mata jadi sepet

Lepas tu camera tanya 'did someone blink?' dan letak petak di muka Atiqah.
every. freaking. time.

Tapi rasanya semua Atiqah dalam dunia memang macam tu.

Budak kecik pakai costume High School Musical tu?
Nama dia Atiqah.

Kisah Clonmel 4 - in pictures

Sums up a day in the hospital; feeling own pulse, bored waiting for doctor, read up things on Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine, bored waiting for doctor...did i say that already?
(only difference is Stephen looks good being bored)

Lol sebenarnya minah indon comel ini jauh lagi pendek. stephen duduk = jac bediri.

'where are you from, Bilal?' 'Limerick' 'Limerick?' ' parents are from Pakistan'

Lim : find rich man and marry la, don't have to work.
Atiq : haha not pretty enough to marry rich man ooone.
Lim : hahaha okay okay so...find a rich man with visual problems.
Atiq : wahahaha berani kauuuuu.


Sunday, February 14, 2010

i want to go to...

Puerto Rico. that weird?


Saturday, February 13, 2010


i just read through the nostalgic post again just now. hahah, i love how i'm such a badass wannabe, but really i'm just a huge geek who stays in on a saturday night, folding clothes.


exciting weekend plans

consists of :

1. sleep (i know i know, i should be studying. hari ni je, esok belajar janji)

2. lipat baju banyak gila.

3. basuh baju banyak gila.

4. tengok cerita Bohsia kat Youtube so i can make fun of Nabila Huda's excessive/inappropriate use of 'dowh' - rediscovered how good looking Syamsul Yusuf is. and then baru tahu who the fish Diana Danielle is, yg Opie Kakak Kakwe kecoh sangat Opie's going to the same PLKN camp as her. Penat je Opie cam explain cakap it's the camp to be in, sebab tu la Diana Danielle kat situ...and i was like 'Diana who??'

yeah i know. you'll get loads of that if you're friends with me. people from my mrsm would say things like;

'ala kau tahu kan pasal dia scandal dgn senior tu dulu masa sekolah..pastu..'

'wait wait wait. what?? bila? dgn siapa??'



have a good (whats remaining of your) weekend, bloggiepoo.


Kisah Clonmel 3

hi kesayangans.

2nd week on, and i'm still liking Clonmel so far. went venturing into town (James is from Clonmel and he laughingly corrected me when i said Wany and i are gonna go explore the 'city'). even though James kept saying it's small and is 'some dump', we found it really cute and pretty. there were hills and farms everywhere you look, it's a very irish town.

there was this one day when Dr Pillay (a consultant geriatrician) came in during the handovers and asked all the Registrars and SHOs to move to one side of the room, and Interns and students on the other - to form two groups to compete on diagnosing the case she's presenting.

we were like, weyh weyh takot nyehhh kena geng dengan interns lepas tu lawan senior doctors ni8y&*^&*hjb. at first we were really passive, the other team sangat kiasu dan tak kasik can langsung untuk budak-budak kecik seperti kami nak shine. haha kuang asam punya orang-orang tua. sampai Dr Pillay dah cam 'tanya la soalan weh korang!!' like that, baru kitorang start sikit-sikit tanya (at that stage we were probing further about the patient history from her).

pastu i asked 'What is she vomiting?' because nobody asked that yet, and Dr Pillay smiled triumphantly at me, as it turned out to be an important piece of the history (sebelum-sebelum ni jawapan kepada soalan2 diorang mostly 'No' je).

*looked over to the other team* 'Now you've got competition, guys.'
*turns back to Atiqah* 'She's vomiting food, and some bile.'

masa tu tersilap flash a 2-second long senyuman bangga ala Tengku Nadiah Liyana. hahaha.

mestilah that was the only time i spoke. lepas tu dah blur sbb through history macam bowel obstruction tapi all the tests came back negative. kah kah.

but we won the first case anyways because a brilliant (and good looking) Kuwaiti intern managed to make the right diagnosis.

The other team, of course, won the second one tanpa banyak pertandingan dari team kitorang sebab lepas kalah first round mungkin ego telah tercalar, maka mereka compete secara kiasu tahap dewa hahaha. I love the doctors there. Punya la banyak free time sampai sempat main kuiz-kuiz segala mak nenek.

The friday free indian food was marvellous as always, and i, like last week, killed the chance of losing any weight from not eating rice all week by eating double the amount everybody else is eating. i like indian food, especially when it's free.

'You're a very nice girl, doctor'

'Why thank you. Now tell me, you said you're living alone, is that right?'

'Yes doctor'

'Have you ever been married before?'

'Oh God no. I'm not that foolish'

I feel like kicking that old man walaupun beliau sangat adorable. Dah sakit-sakit macam tu sampai menyusahkan jiran sebelah rumah kena jaga makan pakai dia semua, masih nak kerek tentang perkahwinan.

Bye guys! Write soon.


Sunday, February 7, 2010

heading off to far away land

petang ni dah nak balik Clonmel, kisah Clonmel 3 nanti next weekend k blog! [bajet orang tertunggu-tunggu ibarat menunggu episod Nur Kasih yang seterusnya]

i've been wanting to make a video for aaaaages but MovieMaker is the crappiest editing software ever made, and it kept crashing in on me so that'd have to wait. i've got loads of unused footage of random things. last night i bumped into an amazing Imogen Heap song (don't you just love/hate how talented she is??), and it made me itch to make a video all over again...we'll see what happens.

...but fer now, blog. for now i've got to pack all over again. :(

Wany cakap dia bawak ayam marinade pergi Clonmel, pastu die tanya Atiq bawak apa. Atiq jawab Atiq bawak perut untuk letak ayam marinade, wahahah (gelak kepada lawak sendiri. Atiqah = loser)

OMGOMGOMG KORANG. atiqah happy atiqah happy atiqah happy! haha i'm so going to jinx this by saying that.

Atiqah (lovesyourface)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

That's What She Said

Lets do this, Atiqah.

Lets be a freakin doctor.

Atiqah : Should I palpate for any thrills* next?

Doctor : Do what you want, entertain me.

Atiqah : Right. So now I'm going to feel for his thrills.

Doctor : Okay. NEVER. EVER. Tell a patient you're going to 'feel for his thrills'


Atiqah : *ndqj2luh4902h*(*(^%$^$%*Bjejwk*

*thrill = a palpable heart murmur

Friday, February 5, 2010

kisah Clonmel 2

Salam wbt


I just got back to Cork for the weekend, Nate said 'See you in 48 hours!!' when I said 'See you next week!!' to him as we were getting off the bus. Such a killjoy, that old man.

I have lots of stories to tell! but they'd be super long, so bear with me (or don't...whichever you like really)

Wany and I took the last bus to Clonmel last Sunday, and saw Nate getting on the bus as well. Stephen was kind enough to pick us up from the Clonmel bus station (which ended up being like a 5min walk away from the house...LOL). I was dreading sharing a house with the boys because I really didn't wanna get fully dressed to go to the bathroom, but it turned out fine because the boys all end up on 2nd floor, and the girls on the 3rd floor.

My room is big and since college is paying the rent and bills, we had the heater on 24/7. heck yes warm house *fistpump*

I LOVE the hospital, learned so much off it. Even though I got attached to a team with a fantastic registrar...the registrar is the only one who's fantastic. If he's not in, I won't learn anything. BUT. That was how I got to learn so much, because I toured the hospital and took histories from random patients and stopped at random clinics to ask the specialist nurses/radiologist to teach me. and they're all so nice as well, everyone welcomed me and was delighted to teach me.

There are a few dramas, in which I saw a 16 year old boy who was admitted under 'Sector 12' by the Gardai (i.e. the police) because his father said he got angry over a breakup and left the house with a knife, so the father won't let him back into the house. I've no idea what 'Sector 12' is. It's the first time I've ever seen a patient's file with the 'drug' section circled, and 'Cannabis/Hash' written beneath it.

There is also this time when we were doing ward round and the stressed out SHO suddenly broke down and cried and got the nurses all worried *sigh* the poor thing.

ALSO! I heard my very first lung base crackles and pan systolic murmur this week! YEAY!

and Wany told the group that I'm royalty (with me shaking my head no and telling them Wany's crazy...but they believed her anyway) so Nate is constantly poking fun at me about it,

such as

'Sorry about the dishes...I wanted to do them last night but I went upstairs and died'

'It's okay, the servants did it for you'


'What do you mean you can't find it, it's right here'

'That's too high for my eye level, I can't see it'

'Oh sorry princess, I'll get the porter to lift you up'


'I'm glad Wany told me you're royalty...LOL'

'I'm gonna kill her'

*sighhhhhh* last thing! On our first day there, I was going down the stairs to have breakfast, all dressed up to go to the hospital when I saw Wany on the stairs, and she told me that the boys said the stove isn't working.

When I went down to the kitchen, I saw all the three boys eating breakfast, and walked to the fridge to get my milk when Nate said 'Oh, we can't use the stove, by the way. Unless you can get it to work'

So I walked over to the stove, and saw that it's not a hot plate stove, so I lifted up the see-through cover. Bilal (the 3rd boy) saw me doing this, and said 'OH. Is THAT what we missed?? Lifting up the cover??'


Oh, boys.

I turned the knob on, pressed the ignite button, and the fire came on.

Kay I've to go now!

Nice catching up with you, blog!!

p.s. sorry I sound weird in the prev post, probably because Wany was behind me when I was writing it. just to make it clear...Maslin was never flirting with me, he was just asking questions, probably curious about living abroad or something. His girlfriend is just weird.


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

kisah Clonmel 1

Hey guys!

I'm in Clonmel. lama dah tak blog...ada lagi ke orang visit blog ni ek. hoho.

Banyak cite nak tulis, tapi kena simpan sebab Atiq takde intenet, ni pinjam tenet kat laptop Wany.

Ohh...background story: Atiq kena attachment kat Clonmel, which is in county Tipperary, which is not county Cork, which means I'm in a different house. I'm living with my classmates in a house my college rented out for me. 3 guys, 3 girls - more on that in a different post.

Anyway hari ni taknak cite pasal Clonmel, nak cite pasal Maslin. MAFASYNZ...ingat mesleng dop?

Maslin ni my sedara/jiran/childhood frenemy. Dulu masa guna Friendster, tiba2 Maslin found me and msged me, and I replied for old times sake slash menjaga hati kawan lama and sedara. Pastu I alwaaaayys make sure I don't reply when the conversation seem final and there isn't any question for me to answer. Tu pun kadang2 kalau ada soalan pun tak reply sebab malas. At that time Atiq tau he's got a very pretty girlfriend, tapi memang takde perasaan pun sebab he's Maslin. Adik beradik semua mesti faham.

Pastuuu bila dah lama lost contact dgn Maslin sbb dah delete account Friendster...tiba2 he found me dekat Facebook, and sent me a comment saying something like 'Atiq, dah lama tak dengar khabar, kat mana sekarang? balik tak raya cina ni?', and I replied saying 'raya puasa punnn tak balik apetah lagi raya cina. aku balik june'

Pastuuu tiba-tiba girlfriend dia hantar friend request and msg kat facebook 'hai....saya gf Maslin'

wahaha. mula-mula cam 'takpe-takpe, sila bersangka baik. mungkin die saje nak berkenalan.'

So I accepted the friend request and replied 'oh hai! you're so pretty :)'

Pastuuu tiba-tiba she replied dekat my wall yang Maslin tulis tu, saying 'Maslin takde Jun ni. Die duduk dengan awek die'

padahalll takde pun Atiq tanya 'Maslin ada keee kat Malaysia nanti?'

Kenapaaaa selalu kena marah dengan girlfriend orang :( Saya tidak bersalah.

Tapi kelakar jugak in a way...ngahaha. Dah lama tak kena marah dengan girlfriend orang.

Kalau la dia tahu she's waayyy prettier than me and doesn't need to feel threatened. Dah la Maslin?! I mean come on. Memang tak la.

Ok bai!
