Monday, December 14, 2009

hari gegem sedunia

  • i woke up to Mas making pancakes
  • Mas made fried rice right after she made the pancakes
  • i eat lots of pancakes
  • i eat several servings of fried rice throughout the day because there are lots
  • i then ate vanilla ice cream
  • Adilah made chocolate cake
  • Aza made paprik for dinner and we had that and then Adilah's chocolate cake
  • i do not cook anything today, only eat and sleep.
  • i am heading towards obesity


Clueless in Love said...

love your housemates!!! they can come stay at my house anytime..

Tengku Atique said...

hahaha, no you dooonntt want them to stay with you, all those money spent on gym membership and herbalife will go to waste...hehehehe.