Saturday, December 12, 2009

ajal dan maut di tangan Allah

Hai blog.

Lepas tragedi KBMall tu, atiq memang rasa tersentak jugak with the fact that Allah really can take your life whenever and wherever He wishes to. I mean come on. Tengah berdiri atas escalator dekat shopping mall. Memang tak terfikir langsung la kan ada kereta akan jatuh dari langit and hempap sampai robek rahang?

Pagi ni sampai je depan dewan exam Wany dengan sedihnya cakap Presiden BWP die mase MRSM Langkawi dulu (eh betul ke fakta Presiden KMB, konfius jap) passed away in a car acccident. Satu family meninggal. Yang paling menusuk kalbu is the fact that the guy baru je lepas akad nikah, and the bride takde sekali dalam kereta tu. In other words, she's widowed hours after she became a wife. Pergh mesti pilu gila bila print gambar-gambar masa akad...Some people have it way harder than you, Atiqah.

Wany cakap dia sampai takleh study last night sebab overwhelmed sgt dengan the news.

More about it here. I need to go sleep now. I'm officially on winter break, yeay!



Anonymous said...

officially sombong

sassydewi said...

i watched the news on tv. the reception went on as planned, only as kenduri arwah.

Clueless in Love said...

that incident got huge coverage here. really tragic. at about the same time, an oil tank crashed into a house and exploded, killing two kids who were sleeping inside.