Monday, October 19, 2009

i walked through the rain to get home from class this evening, which meant two things;

1. drenched pants.
2. migraine.

i feel the flu coming my way. my eyes are watery, my throat feels weird and my head feels heavy. i seem to depend a lot on the paracetamol lately. it's funny how my paracetamol has 'Tengku Mohamed' written on the clear packaging, because they're actually prescribed for my grandpa after his chemotherapy. He just gave them to me because he's already got loads of pills to take so he ain't taking no paracetamols, yo.

it's beginning to get quite chilly over here in Faraway Land. the era of wearing winter jackets indoors shall now begin (i am, as a matter of fact, wearing one right at this moment).

bila air sembahyang batal rasa macam nak nangis sebab kena ambik air sembahyang balik. sejuk.



akuorangbiasa said...

cekak tehei ketut laaa...hehee

Clueless in Love said...

takdok heater ko?

Tengku Atique said...

tu la sapal.

heater air ko? ado, heater bilik pun ado. tp jimat bil letrik pny pasal can't always use huhu