Thursday, July 16, 2009

a thing I do when I have more work than there are seconds in a day.

The rules:

• Write five (5) interesting facts about the person who gave you this award.
• Jot down ten (10) interesting facts about yourself or your hobbies.
• Pick your ten (10) most deserving recipients and describe them.
• Leave a comment on the recipients’ blog to tell them they’ve been tagged.

• Write five (5) interesting facts about the person who gave you this award.
  • (okay tgh risau korang pening kepala pulak tengok tulisan warna biru yg dicopy dr blog Kakak ni) dulu Kakak bawak Atiq pergi tempat rawatan resdung di malam hari secara regular, paksa Atiq temankan dia supaya Atiq jadi saksi dekat our parents yg dia betul2 pegi rawatan resdung sedangkan sebenarnya Kakak 25% nak pergi rawatan resdung, 75% nak keluar dgn Abe Is...haha.
  • di zaman rapper/skater/KRU dulu, Kakak penah naik rollerblade atas jalan tar, cross jalan besar dan pergi ke kedai gamba Abdullah Photo. sehingga kini Encik Abdullah masih lagi mengingati beliau dan peristiwa ini.
  • Kakak adalah seorang yang mempunyai pelbagai penyakit. Lelah, resdung dan alergi kepada udang. Kasihan beliau. Ini adalah termasuk di dalam kategori Fakta Menarik.
  • Kakak ingat susunan novel dia. Maka kalau Atiq baca secara curi kemudian attempt nak hafal tempat asal dia (dan obviously gagal), Atiq akan kantoi secara berleluasa.
  • Kaki Kakak senget sebelah. Ini juga Fakta Menarik. Atiq tidak akan memberitahu sesiapa bahawa sebenarnya kaki Atiq pendek sebelah juga.
--> tulis fact untuk adik-beradik, kalau buat Fakta Sabotaj bukankah lebih sesuai?

• Jot down ten (10) interesting facts about yourself or your hobbies.
  • First of all Atiq takde masa lapang maka takde hobi. Dalam masa lapang yang Atiq reka-reka sendiri, Atiq suka tulis blog.
  • Atiq suka cakap dengan binatang. Mama suka mengetawakan Atiq tentang hal ini. Atiq mengesyaki trait ini sebenarnya telah diwarisi dari Mama.
  • Atiq eja nama Atiq 'Atique' sebab masa darjah tiga cikgu kelas Atiq tulis nama Atiq macam tu dekat Duty Roster.
  • Masa Atiq darjah lima Atiq pakai cap dan jeans dan shirt pegi tempat tuisyen and then duduk dekat side boys sebab selalu datang lambat and side girls dah penuh. Kawan dgn boys je sebab girls tak suka Atiq ke hape ntah taktau. Kawan-kawan Atiq ingat Atiq laki. Maka selamba tendang2 Atiq kat atas tangga sukati diorang je selalu Atiq nak jatuh tergolek. Diorang selalu save seat untuk Atiq dekat side boys, duduk sekali dengan geng sekolah Ismail 1. One day diorang found out Atiq perempuan sebab ustaz tanya Atiq Bin ke Binti and Atiq takut nak tipu. Sejak hari itu Atiq tiada lagi kawan di pusat tuisyen Kami.
Ok buat empat je sebab Mama dah nak naik atas. Bai korang.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

membeli-belah di Billion menimbulkan nostalgia.

hi hi.

I went to Billion today, buying food, plasticware and all that jazz for a barbecue at the beach tomorrow. Dad gave his usual 'Jangey gi maing-maing sangat kat air air tuh...makey orey tanoh situh tu..Ayohndo tahu la...' speech in the car and I gave my usual blank stare into the streets beyond the faded stickers on the windshield. I shall now refrain from yapping about the fact that I am a 22 year old fully grown lady.

I've been driving the Persona a lot lately, thanks to Mama, for backing me up with the car-stealing evil plots. Didie and Adik are still scared about it, and kept insisting that I drove slowly despite my going only at 70km/h. I stopped getting honked at, and my side-park has now more resemblance of a parked car, and less of a 'minyak habis kereta mati ditengah jalan'.

I went to buy nasik at kedai Kak Pah two mornings in a row, and Kak Pah went 'Adik skoloh mmano..?' with a smile to cover her being suspicious that I was skipping school. I smiled with all the kindness that I had, and replied softly, 'Sayo duk ngaji kat University,'

...Kak Pah whispered 'doh, mmaring dio mari doh,' to her daughter when her daughter softly scolded her for asking me that question, after I turned my back on them. I've been going there since years ago, and she still fails to recognize me. She probably only knows Kakwe and Kakak.

Oh. The Abdul Mutalib Rawas turned out to be a good-looking guy in his mid 30s. I expected somebody older, despite being confused with his young voice on the phone. Kakwe should go to Jaffar Rawas more often.

Bali came over to take half of the sponsored muqaddams (yeah the Rawas gave me muqaddams instead of qur'ans, but thats good enough I suppose, since Dee already managed to get hold of 110 copies of al-Qur'ans), and announced that my White Villa is besar macam istana. Haha...kalau dia datang last summer mesti dia cakap besar macam rumah hantu.

Mama dengan Tokwe bising tanya Bali anak sape because he lives nearby, and he might be related to us, as that is how things are in this here Wakaf Bharu, where everyone is related. Mama asked me to ask Bali sape nama mak dia but I didn't sebab takut Bali menyangka I have the hots for him dan bercerita macam-macam to my mom, padahal all I needed to say was 'Ma, saing Atiq nok mari ambik separuh muqaddam tu,' and she went all 'Anok sapo? Ngaji mano? Rumoh dio duk mano?' straightaway. Haih Mama ni sabar je...dahla bising-bising tanya kenapa tak ajak Bali naik rumah, Mama nak tanya dia anak sape. Adoooiiiii fenin I.

Right that's all. Jangan rindu-rindu dekat I. Heading off to Cambodia soon. Pray for my health and well-being k? omg risaunyeeee nak buat suturing kat budak-budak kat sanaaaa T___T

Sedang memakai baju kurung cotton.

Monday, July 13, 2009

kebosanan tanpa Tengku Sopiah.


i have SO many things to do. like i'm not even kidding. ishh bnyk gile keje. tapi akhirnya tak buat satu pun and tension sebab Opie takde untuk membuat gurauan biawak (gura bewok).

kkesit weh duk rumoh sorey. tp malas nk call up people to meet up.

smalam pergi rumah Nisa, first thing the mother cakap 'la tak cakap awal-awal nak datang..kalau tak boleh buat laksa!' haha yesss. memang pegi dgn niat nak order laksa.

last Friday i went to Pasar Wakaf Bharu and i bought way too much food. way. too. much. food. buah manggis la laksam la kuih tu kuih ni dadih la ape la omggggg. lepas tu masa nak balik nampak lok cing tapi i was like 'sabar...sabar...jalan dengan lurus...'

yesterday i went to get Jaafar Rawas to sponsor some Qur'ans for me to bring to Cambodia...the guy i talked to was Abdul Mutalib Rawas. though i was very tempted to be all 'apakah kaitan anda dengan Jaafar Rawas ini, adakah beliau abang anda? siapakah pula Laila Rawas??' but i refrained. all i said was i'm a medical student, and i'm going to Cambodia for a relief mission and i'd like to ask him to sponsor some Qur'ans for me to take there. he was, like 'oh...sponsor Qur'an? boleh2..'

mak aih senang gile, tak tanye ape2benda, takde protokol ape2 pun. bless him.

aite, i'm done.

oh. i still don't like orang yang suka paksa2. no respect for my wishes. sila terasa.

(sayang kamu and minta maaf kalau tak reply your msg sbb sumpah malas nk type)

Friday, July 10, 2009

exploding hiatus

Hello :)

Today everything seemed kinda wrong and a lot of things had a sense of deja vu to it. I got annoyed with Tokku's neverending phone calls, which I deeply regret because he's been nothing but nice to me.

I had loads of things bottled up in my brain that I was quite ready to write here, but I'm not in a pleasant mood right now so I guess I'd have to pass.

Just letting you know that I'm not letting this blog become a dusty grave of old writings.

Talk to you later!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

back from the trip; alive, kicking and free from the flu

Hello darlings.

at this point I'm sure a lot of you stopped checking my blog already. I'm sorry I've been neglecting this blog kesayangan. I wrote a note on facebook about the Bangkok trip which I will paste below for recording purposes, as I believe I have all of you on my facebook. There's a gazillion pictures up on facebook too, I didn't upload any because my Thai cousin's album is public, so I can just tag my face on her album.

don't give up on me okay, I won't stop writing. I just need a break to catch up on my workload and life in general after the 5 days worth of holiday.

I miss you and I'll write soon.

Summer 2009 : Falling in love with Thailand.

Hey people. I don't usually write here, it's too public for my liking. I have a private blog that is now starving to death from my lack of contribution, just like my Neopet.


I thought I'd make this one an exception, because I want my Thai cousins to be able to read it.

I went to Bangkok with four of my sisters last week...the 25th to be exact. My sisters have already met most of the Thai relatives we're meeting up with, but I know none of them. I have faint memories of going to Pattani when I was a little girl, playing fireworks and riding a motorbike with this Thai boy I no longer remember the name of (Kakwe told me his name, but I forgot again, me being the Atiqah that I am)...and I have faded images of the older Thai generation who came and visited my grandfather quite frequently.

But I went to Ireland and I wasn't home in Malaysia when the younger generations started to come over to the Ketani family events. I had no idea who these people are, except for Abe A who contacted me on Kakwe's request, to help me with the rough days of my first year in medical school.

We were greeted by a cheerful Tok Yang at the airport, looking young as ever despite being in her 60s. Luckily she drives a Toyota Wish, so all five of us could fit in her ride. She took us on a tour around the city, showing us Thammasat University (Tokku's alma mater) and telling us little interesting anecdotes like a professional tour guide.

At this point of the note I begin to realize that if I am to write about the whole five day trip, this note is going to be three friggin miles long and nobody will have the patience to read it, what's with my dwindling reversed sentences and whatnots.

Well anyway I met most of the crew. They did a fantastic job playing host for us, making sure all our needs are catered and feeding us at every chance possible with fantastic Thai food. Okay I used the word fantastic twice. Lack of vocab alert.

They came despite feeling unwell, they came despite having to work the next day, they came despite being post-call. We are humbled by their hospitality and warmth. We are dumbfounded by their kindness, and thoughtfulness, and frankly we also feel a bit anxious that we might not be capable of returning the favour even if we give our ultra best.

We experienced the Thai culture, bought a LOT of very nice clothes from the streets and malls of Bangkok, and most importantly we found ourselves a whole new set of family.

This bond, this adoration that I feel for the people that I meet within those five days, is something that I will cherish for a long, long time. The instant chemistry we had was proof that the same blood runs in our veins.

Thank you to Tok Yang, who brought us to Jim Thompson outlet and made us delicious bread.
To Ji Rin, who took us all around Bangkok, humouring us by being her cheerful self.
To Pi Kung, for coming all the way from Pattani and for being so patient with our many antics.
To Pi Pu, who swept me off my feet with her eloquence and femininity.
To Abe A, who fell asleep standing in the train because he was on call the night before.
To Pi Pla, who translated the tour guide at the palace in Hua Hin.
To Pi Kai, for bringing the impossibly adorable Alesya.
To Tuan, who took wonderful pictures with his DSLR.
To Mukmin and Nureen who we never got to say goodbye to, who came all the way from their university to Bangkok to bring us around.

It was a memorable trip, and it wouldn't have been as wonderful if it wasn't for all of you :)

Bandar Bukit Raja, Klang.