Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Chapter 1: Winter Retreat 2008 - Everything I had hoped for and more.


I went to Glasgow because MSM's Winter Retreat this year was held there. The exact location was Loch Lomond, which was simply breathtaking. The place we stayed in was like a castle or something. Last year's Winter Retreat was in a basketball court, and this year it's in a freakin' castle, haha. talk about improvements. here be a picture;

though that picture was blatantly taken in Summer, and this here date is definitely not Summer at all. well at least it didn't rain. i was the photographer and thus i took hundreds of pictures and have in total 3 pictures of myself. which is fine with me, surprisingly. i was also the PIC for the indoor game session we had, which drove me up the walls, honestly. it's not an easy task, designing a game yang berhikmah for nearly 200 people that has to be played indoors because it's winter so it gets dark by around 4pm. i uttered 'aarghh taknak dah in charge game lepas ni!' while I was preparing stuff needed for the game and i am absolutely ashamed of myself for saying it. at one point i even told the camp commandant that if the situation doesn't get any better i'm okay if the committees want to cancel my session, because we didn't have enough time, we didn't have enough people and we didn't have enough resources.

the game turned out fine in the end, biiznillah, and after i concluded it with the pengajaran and muhasabah, one of the fascis came up to me and told me i did a good job and that somebody cried listening to my conclusions. i was pleasantly surprised by this, for i am renowned to make lots of bolok mistakes when i am put in charge of things because i worry too much and very gelabah despite trying my best to remain calm.

and then, to my absolute joy, Dr MAZA, the (ex) Mufti, made it there for his session. to have the man who's writings i absolutely admire giving a talk in an event i was a committee of (walaupun hanya sekadar fotografer cabuk dan AJK indoor game) pretty much made my week, heck it probably even made my month!

i thought it couldn't have been any better, and then on the very last day, on the very last session, this woman gave a talk and she almost instantly became the Person I Want To Be When I Grow Up (PIWTBWIGU). She is everything i wish i could be, and she did everything i've been wanting to do since i was in high school. Her name, is Yvonne Ridley.

if you Wiki her you will know her background. this woman is incredible. she and a bunch of 'other ordinary people' sailed two boats filled with nothing else but aid from Cyprus (because that's the only country that would allow it) to the Gaza strip, despite threats from the Israeli government (towards them and towards their family). and she went and spoke to a Hamas leader. when she sailed back to Cyprus, she heard that five more boats were going to sail to Gaza with more aid. such was a difference she managed. however, yesterday, put up an article saying that a boat from Cyprus that was sailing to Gaza got under attack and there is yet to be news on how many is injured. How can the Israelis break all these international laws and get away with it? I just don't get it.

Anyway i went to speak to Yvonne Ridley after the talk (i didn't get to take a picture with her because there were tons of others swarming her) when everybody had to sit in groups for LDK (woohoo for being a committee and not a participant) and she's...she's just amazing. if you ever have a chance to go to one of her talks, please do so. it's the power of hearing about raw, first-hand experiences. it's just mind blowing.

till then.


Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Palestine, dearest. is your friend.

and this is your du'a. please. i don't care that i'm only saying this to 9 people.

Rasulullah pernah baca Qunut Nazilah, jadi ia bukanlah bid'ah. tapi oleh kerana saya budak baru belajar, saya tak ingat masa perang apa. adeyh.

I don't get the Israelis. Are they not human? How has mankind managed to become so selfish and evil? I'm reading a novel called The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas, and it's about the Holocaust.

it was horrifying, the things that the Nazis did to the Jews. what I don't get is why are the Israelis doing practically the same (if not worse) thing to the Palestinians? The Jews lived in peace in the Middle East back in the days when they were 2nd class citizens in the West, and murdered and tortured by the Germans. the Muslims are not responsible for the Holocaust, why are they doing this to us? have they not hearts to feel with?~


-dissapointed with what has become of the Ummah-

I'm home, and it's about the last day of 2008.

assalamualaikum lovelies :]

i just got back...and the things that i went through all along my winter holidays...they're surreal. a LOT of significant things happened (but more than a few times things that appear significant to me is actually nothing in the eyes of others, so if i were you i won't take my word on this) and i was blogging in my head all the time. the problem is that i have too much to say, and i'm afraid they won't be as interesting to you as they were for me (but i'm going to write about them anyway). but because i realize the fact that i (somewhat forceably) invited ye to read my blog, i should at least make the effort to make my posts interesting reading material.

henceforth i am sitting on my chair, with stuff unpacked and the mess created from last minute packing about 10 days ago littered all over my room, slight headache in my head, a runny nose, slight nausea from travelling in a swaying airplane and a stomach practically empty, i am telling you that i shall write about the series of (probably boring - sorry in advance) things that i went through while i was away in a series of blog posts.

did i already say i love you?
i love you :]

Opie's in PLKN already which worries me a little bit. I hope she'll come out of it fine. I hated the system from the time i found out it ruined my friend's morals. She made her own choices, of course. But she was put into that situation at the age where hormones usually went wild in a person and it just doesn't seem like a wise thing for a country to do to her teenage girls.

bye now.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

a functioning laptop...NO WAY.

so i spent like a whopping 160euros on repairing my laptop. upgraded the RAM to 1GB (it was only a 512 before!! rase nak hantuk kepala k, patutla lembab!), replace the hard drive with the same 40GB one because the 60GB would've costed me 90+euros all on its own, and recover all my data and reinstall the windows. And the too-helpful guy at the shop has kindly set all the settings on my browser to Malaysia. the weather forecast and the news are on Malaysia, and even my blogger page is automatically opening in Bahasa Malaysia. Yay. Selamat Datang ke Blogger! Sila log masuk.

i'm pretty sure if i'm to wait till Summer and get all these done in Malaysia it probably won't cost me the 160euro equivalent (800ringgit?) but i can't function without my laptop! and to buy the sexy MacBook i'd have to have 1000euros, uwwaaa. i'll never be able to bring myself to spend that much money on something i don't really have to have, even if i can afford it.

anyway i'm happy enough to have a normal functioning laptop, not a crazy one that won't let me watch YouTube and takes like an hour to load only to get stuck after 10 minutes of usage. grandad bought this laptop for me, which explains why i haven't been slamming it on the wall everytime it stops working while i'm in the middle of something important (and by important i mean watching Grey's Anatomy).

i'm going to Glasgow in a few days, i'm so freaked out about that. it's going to be insanely cold. i'm already freezing in Cork where it's only 2degrees, i'm not sure i can handle negative degrees. oh God.

WOW this entry is boring. it's not easy getting back into the swing of things after stopping for a couple of months, haha.

there are only eight of yous reading my blog now. haha. good times.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

my very first patient

i just got back from my patient's house (she drove me home! such a nice person) and it was a pleasant visit. i was expecting it to be somewhat awkward. well i would feel awkward if i was her, having a stranger walk into my house to talk about my condition. but she was grand. accomodating and friendly and chittychattery. but that isn't what i want to talk about today because i'm a good doctor (to-be) and so i hold true to my heart the patient-doctor confidentiality ethics. haha, actually it's because i have to go send my laptop to the kedai in like half an hour so i don't have enough time to write everything.

so what i'll talk about is my patient's HUGE black Labrador that jumps on me and licks me EVERYtime and so i had to samak my FACE. and now my favourite grey coat is called the haram coat :( he's a fantastic pet to my patient and he's like a child to her so i don't want to hurt her feelings by pushing him away. la to samak my favourite coat?? it's supposed to be dry-cleaned only! sob sob

m going to go send my crazy laptop to this kedai baiki laptop in town to get it fixed. may update from mas's laptop though. see you when i see you!

p.s. niesa, can i hang my laundry in your room? hee :D please please??~ and oh, i returned your mcq book to the library yesterday!

Monday, December 15, 2008

i'm back OMG OMG


still in the process of inviting people, then i'll write again k. i'm only planning on inviting, like, ten people. so if you're one of them, PLEASE FEEL SPECIAL K.


such malang people, got asked 'do u want in?' and had to say yes because very polite one all of you don't sampai hati to break my heart by saying no :p



broken English for the win