Friday, March 14, 2008

study schedule and life in general

so i finally finished drawing out my study schedule for the whole of March, April up until the 8th of May that is my finals (eek!), and i'm trying to get into the mood of writing a book review that my senior asked me to write absolutely ages ago, but i am simply too uninspired right now. anybody wants to be my muse?

so we have a Spring Camp coming up soon and i'm one of the Activity Committees, so can you guys help me out by suggesting games that you did in scout camps/things like that that you think is worth a try by dropping a comment about it..?~ kthnx.

i've been wanting to finish that picture i drew of Fitzgerald Park last Summer when i was depressed beyond belief...but the weather has been pretty much insane lately. it rains and its windy and its gorgeous and its cold and its cloudy ALL at the same time. the drawing isn't anything special, actually. i probably am the only one who likes it, and i'm totally fine with that. drawing and collages gives me that serenity that writing poems used to give me. but since i've run out of postcards and pictures, and magazines are becoming a luxury i no longer can afford, i don't have material to make collages. hence drawing, however terrible i am at it, remains my only choice.

i am, as it seems, becoming less and less talented as time goes past.

i no longer write poems. in fact, i believe 90% of my friends don't even know i used to write (and recite, rather horribly, lol) poetry. i was even ambitious enough with this passion of mine to have written a 4000 word Extended Essay analyzing a poet. i used to want to study in Galway, in fact, because they have annual poetry festivals. dorky, much?

(as a matter of my current uninspired state, i don't think i can even write a three-lined haiku. sad.)

so that's the end of the ramblings of a girl who is currently foolishly in love with a (picture of a) painting she saw on myspace. she thinks; ZOMG i totally have to steal that and print it out.

she is a legendary copyright breacher. shhh.


Anonymous said...

i was just trying to have a bubble bath today and shocked when the title went, Mega Site of bible studies and information. then i realized, i typed it wrong:

scary it is.

p.s: keep on writing, u inspired me with those amazing entries:)

Iron Butterfly said...

since when did you DRAW?

Tengku Atique said...

Anon : eeek! tapi mcm betul je that address?

p.s. you're too kind :)

Kakak : i don't draw, until, like, last summer. which is why i'm terrible at it, haha.

unless we count drawing for didie's homework, lol.

Tengku Atique said...

oh, to the one who wrote the comment i didnt approve : hehe. they're rubbish, blimey.