Monday, March 10, 2008

of giraffes and monkeys....and the 12th GE

so i went to Fota wildlife park with some very good friends of phone is going dead anytime soon and i left my charger at my senior's place (this is a mysterious blog post where i refuse to name anyone just because, hoho), so i can't Bluetooth the pictures to my laptop just yet. will do them later (i hope).

the last time i went to a zoo was when i was, like, 7 or something. and all i can recall from that one is a Tapir peeing long distance alllll the way to my cousin's maid...urm. now that i think of it, it doesn't sound as funny as it was 14 years ago (we ran around the house afterwards laughing and singing "Kak Peah kena air kencing tapir" ...yeah. err.)

so its been quite a while since that one so you can imagine how excited i was. and i've always loved animals, especially weird ones (if you go to Aquaria with me you'd totally be annoyed with my excited shrieks upon seeing one after one creepy fish) like Pelicans and Llamas (had my friends not been there, i would never have identified those, haha. They had much fun laughing at me because i kept calling the giraffes zebras). (i need to stop using brackets)))).

to sum it all up, Opie said, in response to me telling her i went to a zoo, "mmh, Atiq suko ah tengok nnatey-nnatey nih".


kay. on another note, i know the big thing everyone's blogging about lately is the recent general elections, and i haven't uttered a word about it. i'm actually aware of what's going on, and i care. i've been reading loads of news and blog posts about Malaysia's current political situation. i just haven't written anything about it because i'm such a nOOb to Malaysian politics. i've only just started actively reading about what's going on so i don't know an awful lot of background about stuff that happened in the past. i don't really feel like jumping in on the bandwagon just because everyone's doing it, and end up sounding shallow in my post. so there.

if anyone ever is interested in what (or who) i stand for in terms of politics....well, any party that can provide leaders (note the plural) with an excellent akhlak and brilliant leadership (...and doesn't waste money on Botox, lol) would do.



Lich said...

You might wanna read some things on these:

1) (by an UMNO Dato' of Johor, whom I think have resigned from the political arena)

2) (a Kelantanese fella, like you and me but with inside connection to the Kelantan political arena)

3)The rest are Jeff Ooi, Rocky's Bru....

Tengku Atique said...

thanks for the tip! :)

i do read kickdefella and Jeff Ooi sometimes. you see, problem is there are tons of references that i don't get. i'm doing some basic readings now. i don't take pride in being a person who was ignorant :(

tried to pay for malaysiakini, but they were having some site maintenance or something so i couldnt pay with my Mastercard :(

Lich said...

why pay? when you can just watch it on YouTube? aiyaaaa...u too rich to pay is it? go to my blog and watch the malaysiakini videos....for free.