Thursday, March 6, 2008

of creepy people

i can't believe what i just saw, my hit counter, tracks my viewers, right (so i know the most of you's come from my sister's blog...sigh. i'm FOREVER living in her shadows!), and so around once in a couple of weeks i would view the tracking site just for fun,

i usually have the normal ones where people stumble upon my blog while googling stuff about bubble baths or 20th birthdays, and once in a while i'd get weird ones like people googling 'bubble gile' (???) or scary ones like people googling the name of my medical school director (eek!)

but today. TODAY ladies and gentlemen. this is what i got; a person googling

'Chris Crocker taking a bath'


come on people, he's creepy enough with clothes ON!


okay i totally have to take my blog down from the search engine results.


Iron Butterfly said...

hey how do i get this tracker? i sooo wanna know if that one particular person reads my blog or not!!! my blog counter is stupid.

Tengku Atique said... i think. or you can just click on my hit counter down below. oh wait. i forgot whether i made it invisible or not.