Monday, March 31, 2008


i missed:

Didie's birthday
Kelly's birthday
Zati's birthday

and i nearly missed Kak Muna's birthday

people, i'm just horrible at this, okay. so forgive me in advance, and know that i love and miss you all the same despite the fact that i never remember your birthdays. i just don't. can't. my brain simply refuses to process it.

i haven't bought the tickets to go back to Malaysia. i was in a dire state of sengkek-ness, and i still am. to sisters, no pretty gifts for yous this year, i'm so, so, sorry. (but i can be a pretty gift kekeke)

i've been hyper busy and as usual, i don't talk about what i've been busy with.

oh, NANA CAME TO CORK! i believe that deserves a shoutout more than anything else :) we went to nice little walks together and took pictures and talked about stuff..thanks Na, i needed the dose of meroyanness and broken English in Kelate accent dialogues (Nana's a Johorian lol) and i had a great time. i heart you! and to Di (even though i dont think you read my blog) thanks for arranging the day trip, we both loved it :)

Lala, bile lagi anda mahu datang ke Cork?

inspiration of the week (...month) goes to the two people that i like very much that has requested that i write about them in my blog (mengada-ngada).

they make me believe that people appreciate my blog when i was close to shutting it down when i was having a friendship insecurity breakdown a couple of days ago.

but i still am not going to write about the two people that i like very much because i just want to annoy them hehe.

i wrote a LOT of blog posts on friendship...looking back, i realize that i'm never good at it. i have very few friends (until i came here and gained a LOT of very nice friends :) ) from my past life, and as much as i'd love to think that it's others' fault, it's only logical to put the blame on myself instead of the 782 others who built a wall around them so i can't come close. i don't know...maybe i'm too harsh for some people. maybe i'm too blunt. maybe i'm too complicated. maybe i have a past that's just SO freakin' bad that people just can't accept it. maybe.

well, i have to settle for maybes because people never tell me what in the world is so wrong with me, so how am i supposed to know?~

in a twist of fate, a couple of days ago a friend (jazakillah dear..) came up to me to tell me something i did wrong straight on my face but in a soft note, and it was such a big blow that i had a really, really hard time after that...hah, dulu kate orang tak bagitau, bila orang dah bagitau baru rasa siket betapa rase macam kena tampar...padan muka Atiqah.

but honestly, it was SO new to me that i was thrown completely off guard and felt so naked when she held my hands and said those words to me...i actually really, really, really, appreciate what you did...i hope my sobbing and blurting out inaudible words doesn't cause you to misunderstood how i felt...~

jazakillahu khairan katheera sister...may this ukhuwah be as strong as i wish it can be for as long as roh dikandung jasad....~


|crapper| said...

a BIG THANK YOU would actually be my purpose here.. but.. kinda notice that atique cam not really well... so.. its gonna be abit berjela lah... neway... this is related to ur latest blog.. its acap btw.. bein in the lefty zone is kinda not a very nice feeling... plus when ure makin the effort to start the sparkles.. my advice here to you is to stay strong and stay true to yourself.. okay? people will judge.. they will forever point out your weaknesses.. and trust me... they will forever talk about you.. but do not take these matters as an execuse for yourself to do the same to others.. and dont blame them... be strong.. coz... ive not talked nor see you for years.. and could hardly be close... but as a friend.. i know your qualities... and i should say.. you are more than what little atique.. okay girl? dont worry.. everyone has their flaws... everyone will get their slaps or punches once in a while..(believe me.. ive had my shares..) so dont let those slaps and punches slow u down... okay? be the atique i know... and stand tall... coz you know that if theres no one out there who understands u.. dont forget nana... (nnti dier belasah atique kang.. acap pon takut... huhuhu =p) and me... i know.. i dont know much other than from your blogs.. and from my blog (which is my beloved.. =).. )but.. im willing to learn and help... okay? paham? kalau x paham.. geleng... paham ke tak? isk.. ni tgh geleng ke angguk?? isk.. nnti emel la ek.. atique geleng ker angguk.. acap xnmpak la.. (dah la mate kecik.. huhhu) tkcre!! GODBless... =)

Tengku Atique said...

ANGGUK at the thoughtful comment, and also to the fact that you have the sepetest eyes in the universe hoho.