Monday, December 31, 2007


i got SO many things to say but i have no idea how to say it. i suck at blogging. wait. scratch that. i suck at communicating.

anyway i just have to say this; i think muda-mudi nowadays waste waaayyy too many brain cells on their love life 'issues'. i mean. come on people, there are more pressing issues in the world to think of rather than worrying about your boyfriend going out with that girl AGAIN, or your girlfriend's mad at you because you watch too much football and now you're pissed off because you think shes a control freak, or worrying about your boyfriend being 'too friendly' with other girls, or whatever. i mean, seriously. get over it.

wake up people. there is more to this world than just yourselves and your loved ones. ignorance is NOT bliss.

i'm not in a good mood.


i'll remember not to write a post when i'm not in a good mood next time. promise.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

okay so i dont really write this it doesnt count, right?

look what i found on Friendster; a bulletin about me by my sister :)

Can you answer 51 questions about the
1st person on your top friends list?
Don’t change your top friend.

1) What’s their name?
- sorg je la. Atique.

2) Does he or she have a

- nahh...
* i like the tone of that answer - you make it sound like its impossible for me to have one, i like it! thanks! (haha...seriously!)

3)Do you get along with this person

all the time?
- yes. my whole life.
* yeap yeap

4) How old is the person?
- 20 yrs and 23 days.

5) Has he/she ever cooked for you?
- goreng ayam or telur camtu ade kot.
* haha. i can cook a lot of stuff now, okay!! even nasik lemak, nasik kerabu, and...stuff. hoho. i'll cook em fer you one day :)

6) Is this person taller than you?
- LOL. she thinks petite is cute.
* me and 99% if the homo sapiensssss!

7) Have you ever kissed this person?
- err... ade kot. haha...

9) Are you related to this person?
- we're sisters.

10) Are you really close to him/her?
- YES.used to have late night chats
before we sleep.
* i miss those times :(

11) Nickname?
- tiq tok a ding dong.
* very funny.

13) How many times do you talk to this

person in a week?
- used to be endlessly. now, with her
halfway across the globe, maybe no more
then thrice.

14) Do you think they will repost this?
- probably.
* :D correct! just that its on Blogger instead of Friendster ~ and urm - i didnt replace it with my own answers, hoho.

15) Could you live with this person?
- of course. been living with her most
of my life.

16) Why is this person your number 1?
- i saw her first when i set my featured.
* ahhhh. i was on the illusion 'twas because i'm your favourite person!! sheeesh.

18) How long have you known this
- since the day i came to this world.

19) Have you ever been to the mall
with this person?
- duhh...

20) Have you ever had a sleepover with
this person?
- like almost everynight?
* haha. we share the same room AND the same bed in White Villa.

21) If you ever moved away would you
miss this person?
- now even.
* :(

23) Have you ever done something
really stupid or illegal with this
- yes. sneaked out to go to tokwe's when
we were kids.
* haha..thats the jahat-est we ever get back then. i'm a good older sister, i dont give bad influence to my adik2. hee.

24) Do you know everything about this
- i think. hard to know her latest
updates now tho.
* nobody knows everything about another person, Mr. Survey. everybody has secrets.

25) Would you date this person’s
- hers are also mine. besides, she (also
me) has only sisters.

26) Have you ever made something with
this person?
- not sure. cudnt even remember last
time we went out together.
* do you remember that time when we tried to 'invent' our own recipe at Ketani, the one where we threw in everything from eggs to veg in a wok and stir fried it?? hahaha we were sooo clueless. (dont worry people, nobody ate it - it turned out sooo bad it ended up in the bin)

29) Have you gone skinny dipping with
this person?
- haha... ironic. even tho we're
sisters, i wont.
* haha. does skinny dipping in the kolah in our house in Kelate when we were small counts?? Kakak was sooo mad at us!

33) Have you ever worn this person’s
- like all the time? =) but we're of
different sizes now.
* yeah thats right - rub it on my face!

34) Have you and your person made
up a hand shake?
- nope. wutever for?

35) If it was “freaky friday” would u?
- geez... no thanks. wudnt want to be
drowned with tonnes of medic-related books.
* yeah..thanks for the sisterly support, lil sis.

36) Have you ever heard this person
- u know wut, it starts to annoy me now
dat i hardly remember last time we did
anything together.
* huhu, tell me about it!

38) Do you and this person have a
- think so. really, i hardly remember
anything from the past but i'm sure we
had since we really talked a lot.
* boys are not to be trusted, especially high school boys --> i think this might have been one offit.

39) Do you know this persons myspace
- i know her email's.
* huh?? no you dont!!!?! right?? right...???!!??

41) Have you and this person ever
gotten into a fight that lasted more
than 2 months?
- it's not possible.

44.) Have you and this person gone
- last time we saw each other, we're
both under-age. but i doubt she wud now.
* huhu. u better not go clubbing, missy! Kakak, dont take her with you okay?

45) Do you know how to make this
person feel happy?
- yeah. we entertain each other.
* :D

46) Do you and this person talk a lot?
- yes. a LOT indeed. we cud just talk
about anything and everything.
* isnt that the definition of sisterhood or something?~ :)

47) Do you like this person?
- why else d'u think i put her in my
* grins

48) Has this person yelled at you?
- 'course. zillions times.
* heyyy. i dont even remember the last time i yelled at you! mustve been aaaaages ago?~!

49) Have you and this person got into
a fist fight?
- we are prim and proper ladies. haha~
* ho-ho-ho

50) Do you want to go out with this
- yes YES.
* Ops, course i wanna go out with you too, like really really, but i think the question meant it a different way. oh well.

51) Do you want to be friends with
them forever?
- do i have any choice? haha... air
dicincang takkan putus
* smiles

that's my sister - Tengku Sofiah Aishah, age 16.
i miss her. too much. :(

(yeah yeah...shes a lot taller than me. whaaaattever :p )

update, UPDATE!

it's meee blogging again (i know, i know...i said i wasnt going to make another entry until 2008~ i just have soo many things stuck in my brain that i need to let out!)

i have a lot of things to say in this post, so bear with me okayh?~

it seems like a lot of people misunderstood what i said in the previous vlog.. i dont know, maybe it was just me mashing confusing arrangements of words together and calling em sentences, as usual. well anyways. i am NOT shutting down this blog until April people, i just wont be writing as much..kay?

alriighty. next is winter trip! it was AWESOME! i met a whole bunch of ultra random people!~ here are the pics -

thats me, Kak Fariza and Mimi the Head Girl...friends from the
best primary school ever, SRK Zainab (1)

and this is Intan who i havent met in aaaaages..i was SO shocked bumping
into her on the bus in Nottingham. She was Vice Head Girl when we were
in ZS...haha. kelakar gile Ketua + Penolong Ketua Pengawas dua2 there.

and this is me pretending to be taller than Izyan the not-so-random girl from Galway =)

and this is the pretty Zaza from Aberdeen, who i've met once before, and is now
a friend i'm really glad i have =)

and of course...the not-random-at-all bunch of people i hang out with since forever.
love you ladies to bits!

okay okay so u're wondering why are there sooo many people at the background. i was actually at this program thats held annually, its called Perhimpunan Musim Sejuk/Winter Retreat, where a lot of Malaysians studying everywhere in the UK/Eire gather together to learn..agama? i hate to say it that way because it sounds so secular-istical but i've no idea how to say it anyway else.

okay Atiqah speak some sense, nobody's getting what you're trying to say.

i made a whole LOT of new friends and gained SO much from the program, i can't wait to go for next year's!

moving ooonnn...there is, of course, the story of the cold freezing winter and it's highlight - (nope..not Christmas) BOXING DAY! woohoo. last year i spent a LOT of money buying stuff for these SIX ultra-demanding creatures i call sisters. hehe just kidding. they werent demanding, i was the one trying really hard to buy THE perfect gift for each of them. but this year, seeing that i wont be going back home in the Summer, i dont have to buy gifts for anyone (except myself,of course..ngeh2) until the next boxing day sale. so i wont be spending so much money, and i can shop with minimal pressure, hoho. so i'm planning to buy myself a bunch of stuff, them being :
  1. a mini heater from Argos
  2. used-for-hanging-washed-clothes thingamajic, i cant recall what it's called, whatvr. Also from Argos.
  3. a hand mixer .....alllssooo from Argos. haha.
(i know i's a boring list considering it's a huge sale and everything...a lot of you's prolly thinking 'buy something cool already, you're so laaaame!!' or something like that. well i'm getting to it, be patient!)

4. a pair of jeans because i wore my favourite one waay too much and it is now damaged beyond belief.
5. a huge handbag thats big enough to throw in a bejillion stuff so i can use it for college.

(see?? i DO know the cool stuff to buy, okayy =p)

well thats all i guess. oooohh, by the way - i bought em!! the bday prezzies for meself!! wheeee~!
i bought a white watch, because i lost the black one i had (surprise, surprise). i reeaaaallly like it, though it can be a bit too dressy and unsuitable for things like, the gym, for example. and i bought a purple purse to replace the pink Guess purse i had because...well. it's about time i replaced it anyways. the pink purse brings back painful memories that i wish not to remember.


its getting colder and colder and colder with each passing day, and i know that it is now full-blown winter because:
  1. i think i apply Vaseline on my lips like 17 times a day, and they still are beyond dry.
  2. i'm scared to slip out from the safety and warm-ness of my 15 tog duvet when i wake up in the morning.
  3. i shiver epileptic-style everytime i pray sebab basah lepas amek air smayang.
  4. i have to have my bedroom light on 24/7 because it seems like there never is any sunshine.
  5. when i wash my clothes, they take like a week to dry.

and oooh - a HUGE announcement : i no longer use Atique704 for YM-ing purposes. to all friends: fear not, i have not Ignored you or made myself Appear Permanently Invisible to you.. i simply am not using it anymore. you can always e-mail me if there is any pressing issues to tell/talk about. i'm sorry for the inconvenience that this may cause..but to Mr. MCS-President, don't worry, if there's online meetings, you can just text me and i'll log on to that YM, okayh?~

okie doke. thats it i think. i'm calling it a night :) salam alaik.

xoxo, Atiqah

Monday, December 10, 2007

Nurin Alert

its me blogging again.

I'm sure everyone in Malaysia and all Malaysians living overseas, be it in New Zealand, Australia, Indonesia, India, Russia, Ireland, Wales, Scotland, German, France, England....everywhere. everywhere. knows about the Nurin Jazlin case. I am glad by the fact that the Malaysians are still responding with so much passion and anger towards the case, and at the same time i am appalled by the rentetan peristiwa and crime cases that is becoming more and more horrifying, i can't help but wonder - what went wrong?

I myself have two little sisters back at home in Kelate, so i can almost feel how terrifying it must be for the parents in hard it would be for them to balance safety and happiness for their young children. to safeguard and watch over them as much as possible, at the same time giving them a happy childhood with wonderful memories. i'm greatly relieved by the fact that Ayahnda is a pensioner - so he picks up and drops off Didie and KuZett everywhere - to the Abacos classes, to taekwondo lessons, to school, to kelas mengaji..~ but i feel for and worry about the children of busy parents who cycle or walk alone to school. what in the world happened to our beloved Malaysia that we have all these...these...i-dont-even-know-how-to-describe criminals?? even the word 'keji' seem almost angelic in comparison.

pulanglah kepada agama..~

i greatly respect the parents and family of Nurin Jazlin..they had been so strong going through this ujian dari Allah s.w.t. May they be rewarded for their strength and may Nurin rest in peace and safe and happy in the better and everlasting world of the afterlife.

anyways the main tujuan for this entry is to let everyone know that they're forming Nurin Alert in Malaysia - something like the Amber Alert they have in the states. it's a mass-media rapid activation for a lightning quick spread of info everytime a child goes missing. to the people in Malaysia and to bloggers with a high hit count (note: i'm not counting myself) i hope you can spread the news on this; the more people aware of it, the better.

for more info on this just Google 'Nurin Alert' and loads of info will pour out.

it's almost winter break so i'll prolly write just one more entry after this and then i'll be off from the cyber world for a few weeks - don't miss me too much kay!~ heee :D


Saturday, December 8, 2007


i took two mefac tabs insteado one. i'm dead. dead dead dead. i put on minyak cap kapak like its leave on conditioner. headache go AWAY.

as i'm writing this, i can hear sayup2 lagu 'Pencinta Wanita' versi loghat Kelate from Dayah's room and voices of perempuan2 senget; Dayah's "aku memey minak kokre tinooo" and Niesa's gelak pecah perut.

adoooii. itula sapall..macammane Atiq tak pening? how, howwwww??~

mencemar duli ke MP

i'm currently having a bad headache. but i cant lie down because i just had dinner. i didnt wanna have dinner because i wanna lie down, but i had to have dinner coz i wanna take mefac tabs for my migrain, and i have gastritis so i cant risk taking any nsaid without food. hoho. i shall not complain having these penyakits. they are obviously nothing compared to the bejillion other worse diseases other people have.

nways i just got back from MP. it was a nice day out i'd say, Kak Rose and Nad were a lot of fun. Kak Rose nak belanje tengok movie as a birthday treat for me (hee) and since Enchanted wont be out until the 14th (diamlarrr orang kat Malaysia. comment2 yang mengandungi perkataan 'loser' takkan diapprove...hehe) we ended up watching 'The Assasination of Jessee James by the Coward Robert Something-atiq-tak-ingat'..the one with Brad Pitt and a guy yang disyaki related to Ben Affleck innit. only thing i can say about the movie is ssaikooooo (dibaca dengan tone yang sering digunakan oleh Dayah Hamdi). we shopped around for a bit before and after the movie.. Kak Rose bought a top in Gasoline and Nad bought a top in Debenhams and i bought....nothing.

the jacket i fell in love with in Next. sighs. its 90-friggin-Euros.
(i know it look the same with the black one i have...tak kire nak jugak uwaa)

sighs. i dont knowwwww what my problem is. i just cant find anything that i like! well, i do...but all of them seem to be above 90euros. Nad jokingly said i'm high maintenance. i am nooooottt. i suppose i'll just have to be patient and wait for the christmas sale to start. i was sooo kecewa sebab tak beli ape2...but at least i got a birthday prezzie from Kak Rose and Kak Cikin...i got another Bubuuuu~~~ wheeeeee!~ suke suke!

and of course, before going back we went to get coffee. ahhh. the simple joy of having brain freeze from drinking mochachillos on a cold winter evening. it was raining when we walked out to the bus stop.


long day out + coffee + rain = migrain.

but it was worth it :D

thanks for today...sayang Kak Rose and Nad!!~

Atiqah *_*

Friday, December 7, 2007

random rants.

its cooooOoldd. like seriously. if the heater community has pondans then this one in my room is definitely one of it. quoting ille, "ini bukan bilik. ini peti sejuk..freezer part."

i went to the library late this evening because i just realized that the Vander's Human Physio i borrowed is waayyy overdue. i am soo nyanyukk. i really thought the due date's next week or something. if not for the library notice i got in my ucc student email account i wouldnt have realized it. well anyhoo. it was raining like craaaaaazy when i got out, and it was already dark eventhough baru 4.30pm. the wind was just as mad so i had my specs smeared with rain so i can't really see anything. so i took my specs off, put my hood up, turned up my mp3 full blast and walked moodily down to campus to pay the expensive overdue fees.

by the time i got to the library i began to feel dizzy from walking without my specs on. note to ppl who doesnt know: i've full on astigmatism and migrain - so yeah i have headaches all the time. well anyways back to the library. i wanted to pay the fees and renew the loan, but i got Strict Miss Librarian instead of my usual favourite Mr Nice Librarian, so she wouldnt let me renew it, and she rambled on about short loans or returns machine or whatever, i cant really hear her because i had my mp3 (with noise cancellation - so i'm practically deaf to the outside sound once i put it on) to full blast. so i smiled, said thanks and walked robotically to the elevator up to Q+1 (they call it that instead of the usual '1st floor' and Q-1 instead of basement and Q instead of ground floor - weird Irish librarians) and to the usual shelf of physiology books (i got Vander's series number memorized..sighs. kesian tak? ade org nak hadiahkan Vander's kat Atiq?) grabbed another copy of Vander's and went down to the Borrowing area and checked the book out (grumpily).

it doesnt make any difffeeereennnce. she shouldve just given me the friggin book. i dont like Strict Miss Librarian. *hisssss*

so i got back home with a different copy of Vander's and brought my laptop down to the kitchen and looked up for a new recipe to try out. i settled on Ayam Serai Pedas Thai. it turned out great because i love Thai food. as usual my housemates said it was sedap but i dont know whether they're for real or they were just being nice, them being them.

tomorrow i've got a date to MP with Kak Rose...can't wait!~ (Nad, nak sebok skali tak??)

Thursday, December 6, 2007

of intentions, outcomes, and misunderstandings.

i seem to be misunderstood all my life, all the time. ALL the time.

i was unhappy and frustrated. i just could not understand, WHY can't people get me? why wont they trust what i say? why would they believe all these stories told by other people about me, rather than accept my explanation about what actually happened? it gets to me, it caused me to grow up into an insecure young lady, and it made me this very sensitive person who cares greatly about other people's feelings. i become this person who says sorry all the time and i become this person who thinks about other's feelings before doing something. i become this person who notices small things about someone that makes him/her special, and this person who wants to see the brighter side of things and to think a better thought about a person. a person who doesnt judge another person by what other people say about them. a person who doesnt prefer to gossip or badmouth another.

all this time i thought my past has made me a better person. today, a friend told me otherwise.

it brings me back to the days when all my good intentions are misunderstood into jealousy, into mere evil-ness. into...anything except kindness. i dont know whether theres a huge BITCH sign on my forehead, or i merely look so bitchy that my friends just refuse to believe that i meant well and i want the best for them and that i care and...sighs.

its demotivating, y know. it makes me feel like maybe i should stop caring about...anything.

Niesa is already calling me heartless sekarang...kalau i stop caring, i'd prolly be...well i dunno. lungless or organless or soulless or whotever.

i never knew my caring and loving for a person can be troublesome to the receiving party.
i never knew there is such thing as kasih sayang yang tak di-hingini.
i never knew. and for that i am sorry. i shall stop caring about you if that'll make you happy. for in the end, all i want is for all that i love to be happy.

disclaimer : i am NOT talking about a lover for i dont have any and i dont plan to. she's a friend (yes, its a she). a very good friend of mine. or so i thought.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Birthday update:

shaye shayang housemates shaye :D :D :D :D

they made me a birthday cake!!~ wheeee~
(by they i mean 85% by Dayah, of course. heee)

thats riiiiiiiggghhttt....i got a Bubuuu!! sukeee very the very!~ thanks Niesa!~
they wanted to name him Awang so he's now officially Bawang!~
(he's got a cute little mohawk!!)

so this cute pink Body Shop gift set is from Dayah (obviously)
i love ittt!~ lame dah tak beli Body Shop stuff. shayang Dayah!~

and last but of course not the least...

the snickers duo from Aliyah n Adilah!~ heee. tau2 je Atiq suke :D

(shian Dayah sampai pening2 kepala penat masakkk)

of that 20th birthday

Happy Birthday to meeee :D

i got birthday wishes in all sorts of languages; Malay, English, Korean, do they say it in Russia ek, Aimi?~

thanks to the people who called at midnight :
Amin (!!) who for the first time ever ever wished me happy birthday mase midnight...kalau tak slalu je wish pukul 11 sebab dah nak tido haha. thanks min!~
Orang Misteri who called and dragged the conversation semata2 sebab nak sabotaj tanak kasik other calls masuk...haha jahaatttt!! (kepada Lala n Lynn --> i'm not telling who Orang Misteri is :p )
Lynn yang call and bising2 tanye nape call takleh masuk mase midnight and Lala tukang bising at the background yang mengantoikan that it wasnt Amin that i was on the phone with....tak aci laaa korang main siasat2 cantu!~ and Aminnn...tak kaver2 pun for meee!~ kekeke
Bing who called all the way from Bath =) its been ages!
Shamil who didnt call but i know he would have if he wasnt in Switzerland berfoya2....ish3 *geleng-geleng kepala

thanks to the people who gave me birthday cards :
Housemate2ku yang pura2 tak ingat walaupun Atiq bising gile on the phone malam tadi and left a card on my table while i was in the showerr...heeee...sayang korang very theeeeee!!
Junior2ku sayang Adilah Aliyah and Anida (and Syazif sebok heee) for the very comeyl bday card and for the snickers...thaaankkssss!!!~~~~~~~

and of ccoooouuurrrseee.... to everyone who remembered dari his/her own memory, dari his/her handphone memory, mahupun dari Friendster... hee ^.^ who wished me mase terserempak with me around in Brookfield, texted me, or gave me birthday friendster comments... (or message - heee thanks awak!~)

(omg i use waaay to many heeees)

i went on a hunt for a birthday gift for myself in town tadi...spent the whole petang there but i couldnt find anything i liiiikkee!!! uwaaaaaaa. there was nothing in River Island, nothing in Debenhams, nothing in MNG, nothing in Clarks, nothing in Schuh....nothing even in Dorothy Perkins!! i meannnn...what are the odds of that to happen?? uwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaa....i SOOO wanna buy myself something special for my birthday, but i tak jmpe ape2 ponnn....sedihh...i nearly cried when it was getting dark and i still havent bought anything :( so i ended up buying myself a pair of bath gloves and a memory card for my K1 KRZR so i can record my lectures.



so when Mama called rase cam na nanges je ckp ngan Mama....huwaaaaaa~

(i do NOT write this with the hope that ppl will thus give me birthday gifts!~ huuu. i want to buy one sendiri~ )

okay maybe i shouldnt talk like this anymore....Atiiiiqqqq dah umur twenty okaayyyy!~ sila membesar!! uwwaaaaa....sampai tua2 ni pun people still panggil Atiq budak kecik la, kanak-kanak laaaa...sobsobs. its just soooo hard to not be manje, sighs.

okay thennn....this is it. i'm twenty. TWENTY. after this the end numbers will change and not the initial numbers anymore. no more sixteen to seventeen to eighteen. all there will be are twenty two. twenty three. yikes!~

so i'm TUA....and most if not all of my friends are eveeeennnn TUA-er than meeee......even my juniors...hahahaha...gelakkan korangggg :p :p :p

happy birthday to me :) doakan usia Atiq diberkati~

salam alaik,
Atiqah :D :D :D
(i'm going to MP nak carik belated birthday present for myself - being 20 is very important...its a milestone!~ kena carik jugak...kalau tak i'll be depressed for a long long time sbb kempunan :( )

Sunday, December 2, 2007

just another blog entry

it was pouring outside, and the wind was howling when the tenants of #15 were praying Dhuhr about an hour ago. weird as it is, i'm actually glad that it has finally began to rain here in Cork. Winter has been way too bright with no rain that i started to worry about global warming and some other stuff. well i just love to worry about a lot of things.

we're going on a mission after this: to find our big green household refuse wheelie bin. has anybody seen it? it look a bit like this:

every Sunday everyone in the neighborhood would take out these wheelies and put it outside of their gates for the Refuse Guys to take early on Monday. if this Monday is for refuse, next Monday is for recycle stuff and so on (dont you just love Ireland, shes just so env-friendly =) ). Well last Monday was a Refuse Monday so Dayah the Refuse Girl of the week pulled our wheelie bin and left it outside of our house late that Sunday.

A couplea days later Mas the Refuse Girl of this week began to ask around about our green wheelie, goin all

"wheres our tong sampah?? wheres our tong sampah??" or something like that.

and i jes said "entah? depan rumah kot?"

then i woke up this morning and walked down the stairs to see the front door wide open. the hallway was a mess because Khaza was vacuuming the kitchen and she took out all the chairs from the kitchen. anyway Dayah suddenly walked in and announced that our green wheelie bin is officially missing. she said that she went peeping in other people's wheelie bins* and somebody saw her doing that and might have mistaken her for some homeless looking for food.

she also said when she was walking to class early last Monday she saw the Refuse Guys pulling our green wheelie in front of the neighbours house so they can pick it up with the huge truck together with our neighbour's wheelie bin.

so now we'll have to go door-to-door and ask for our green wheelie bin because the City Council sticker on it is worth hundreds of Euros and our landlady would prolly kill us if we lost it.

and if we still dont find it we'll have to paste "Have you seen our Green Wheelie Bin?" posters all over the neighbourhood.

oh Green Wheelie Bin, where for art thou?


*its a long story :p

mission update: we didnt find our green bin but instead we stole a black bin that doesnt seem to belong to anyone, but has the City Council sticker onnit. this is due to a strong suggestion from Mr House-#11-We-Forgot-To-Ask-Whatshisname. we should definitely bake a cake for him after the exams to thank him for his brilliance.