Thursday, August 30, 2007

i miss my little sisters.

this is us bored in Ketani

those close to me knows how obsessed i am about my sisters. i love them to bits. especially my adik2. Opie i think qualifies as the closest to me...and these two are nyawa.

Kakak said i hang out too much with them, that's why i'm so childish.

its been aaaages since i talk to them...KuZett's just not good in ym-ing, she seem like a different person when she chats with me...and Didie is just probably too busy being a skema student or something.

i spent most of my Summer break in Malaysia with them, and now i miss them sangat2...

i mean. look at them. how can i not?


Anonymous said...

nadoo nan neol bogoshippo... I mish u too...

Iron Butterfly said...

hahhaah funny pictures!!!

Tengku Atique said...

yeah...spoilt precious little things they are. i got loads more bengong pics of them kak, nati i show u,haha. kitoram gi sleepover kat rumoh tokku the other day, bored to death, blimey.

kakwe, nati atiq calling2 :D

Anonymous said...

cehh... kakwe jah nk calling? opie toksey calling2 kow? pfffttt...[stranded in living hellhole]