Friday, August 31, 2007



bleyh gi jalan2. yeay! i'm off to Limerick this weekend ^.^

my name isnt in the oral list,

i hope this means i pass,


will keep on praying.

the Autumn results are coming out this 7th of September.

exam mase Birthday kakak,
results mase Birthday kakwe.


Thursday, August 30, 2007

i miss my little sisters.

this is us bored in Ketani

those close to me knows how obsessed i am about my sisters. i love them to bits. especially my adik2. Opie i think qualifies as the closest to me...and these two are nyawa.

Kakak said i hang out too much with them, that's why i'm so childish.

its been aaaages since i talk to them...KuZett's just not good in ym-ing, she seem like a different person when she chats with me...and Didie is just probably too busy being a skema student or something.

i spent most of my Summer break in Malaysia with them, and now i miss them sangat2...

i mean. look at them. how can i not?

me and a very boring Summer.

i got loads to say sbenarnye....but my writing mood was over just as soon as the exam's over..until tonight, a very boring night where Kak Cikin is post-call so she's super tired and is already asleep, and Kak Rose is in her room reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows..

(maybe i should get myself a good book)

i was going a bit crazy this past few weeks, in the days before the exams..

talked to a couple of my close friends about quitting med school and doing something else..

i was just pms-ing, sumpah tak tipu. i was just losing focus...i mean,
of course i wanna be a doctor. i cant imagine myself doing anything else. well. maybe a marine biologist. but hey, i chose this and i'm sticking to it no matter how tough it gets.

i was getting a bit nervous about going through medical school...i was doubting that it is within my capability and all,


maybe working hard is just not good enough. maybe i need to work
harder. spend more time studying, focusing twice as much. there's always room for improvement.

and i think i need to change my study techniques. i should definitely record the lectures and listen to them again before sleep or something. i realized i remember things that are said better than things i read about.

and i should definitely do more past year papers.


that is me panicking a couple of days before my exams.

tomorrow list people yang kena buat oral nak kuar...i hope i'm not in it, and i hope i'm not in it because i passed it.

people...doakan Atiq ye...?