Tuesday, July 17, 2007


i think writing is in my genes or something..

m not saying i'm good at it or anything like that, its just that i feel incomplete without a place to channel my thoughts and my feelings..and i constantly catch myself merangka-rangka karangan about what i'm going through in my head....blimey. its crazy.

but i suppose, what with Mama being a legendary diary keeper (Kakwe found the diary when she was little and kept picking on Mama about it sampai sekarang, haha), and Kakwe being a journalist, and Kakak being a serial blogger...i suppose its not impossible that writing really is in my genes~

for the moment, though, i've a bejillion things to do, i've tons of things to say but i cant..so i suppose i'll just rest at this: torn intercostal muscles and a bleeding nose from chronic coughing due to a mere viral chest infection? who would've thought?. the end.

p.s. : about the title, ignore it. it's just a turning point in my life that i've been waiting for for so long, and i'm ecstatic that its finally happening =D


Anonymous said...

Mama.. the legendary diary keeper.. ngahahaha... true enuff.

Iron Butterfly said...

Kakak the serial blogger??

*horrified + flattered

Tengku Atique said...

hehehe ^.^

Anonymous said...

wait wait! hold up! MAMA the legendary diary keeper? since when??? how come i didnt know? sheeeeshh...

Tengku Atique said...

lar bakpo Opie toktau ek?~

maybe its because it was so long ago..

Kakwe laa sokmo ngukit the things she read in Mama's diary..hahaha. if i'm not mistaken Mama telah merampas kembali and susuk the diary...kwang3