Wednesday, January 4, 2012


There is this one time when I saw a tweet making fun of people who like posting passive aggressive tweets, saying only the cowards/immature do that. Masa baca tu memang terasa gila. Lepas tu berazam nak stop, or at least kurangkan, passive aggressive posts. Kalau bengang atau nak tegur orang, if I have some balls, cakap la terus dekat orang tu, senang cite. Kan? Lagipun kalau perli orang yang tak makan saman, sampai bila-bila dia tak faham hahahaha cis buang karan.

At least kalau ada salah faham, boleh clearkan. Kalau ada minor differences, boleh bincang. Kan lebih indah. Kan lebih berseni. Kan lebih sensitif pada perasaan orang lain. Banyak kali terserempak dengan hadith2 yang startled me, in terms of betapa Islam menitikberatkan menjaga hati sesama manusia. Serious. Bisik2 berdua in the presence of orang ketiga yang tak diajak berbisik sama pun is considered very rude and antara benda yang sangat ditegah dalam pergaulan dengan manusia lain. Huhuhuhu so thoughtful peraturan ini :')

Tapi bila emotionally unstable, kadang-kadang buat jugak.

Sekali harini, sendiri kena perli kat orang. Haaaaaaahahaha rasakan kau.

It's really not a nice thing to do to people. Especially to those who care about us. As in, not just that one special person. Cousins, sisters, friends.

Kalau sincere nak tegur, buat lah betul-betul. Kan? Perli-perli ni macam datang dari hati yang busuk je.

Ish. Janji tak buat daaahh u________________u

Sudah tergopoh, baru terngadah. Eh? Macam salah. Hahahahahahahaaaaastopit.

Kalau tak nak orang buat kat kita, pokok pangkalnya, jangan buat dekat orang.

Are we good? Good.

Kadang-kadang, diam itu jauh lebih baik.


Sunday, January 1, 2012



How dead is this blog? Haha. Sorry I've been neglecting you baby, it's not you, it's me.


It's the first of January 2012! I know some people are like 'WE ALREADY CELEBRATED NEW YEAR WUTZ THIZ KAFIR MENTALITY RAWR RAWR?!?' but hey - like it or not - we celebrate birthdays, start college term, remember the dates of significant events, all by their Masihi dates.

Now that we got past that,

Happy New Year, Bubble Bath. I know I changed your name and made you private because I freaked out the moment I found out my aunts were reading you, but you'll always be my Bubble Bath. My darling new-age imaginary friend.

A lot of things happened in 2011. Let's be typical and try to list them out, yeah? (But you're so nyanyuk there's no way you'll remember!) Yeah, let's do them. I'll remember at least, like, 5 things?

  • I was in Paris the 1st of January!
  • Passed fourth year of medical school....phew. If only you know how difficult fourth year was, blog. It was hell, I tell ya.
  • Raya at home for the first time in FIVE years!
  • Met my future in-laws, embarassed myself (but of course) by letting slip a 'Gi dulu pa' instead of 'Gi dulu uncle' *facepalm*
  • Enrolled myself in final year of medical school!
  • Dilamar orang secara jarak jauh :)
  • Threw caution to the wind and let myself to fall truly, madly, deeply, in love.

Would've been more interesting if I include pictures but it's half two in the morning.

I hope 2012 is going to bring me many good things insyaAllah.

I look forward to my graduation and wedding :)

Dengan izin Yang Maha Mengetahui.


Tengku Nur Atiqah.