Sunday, November 20, 2011

facing my fears/dreams

hey :)

There are many things in life that I wish I had learned to do. I remember in standard six, when my English teacher asked us what our hobby was. I said 'I'd like to swim...but I don't know how to.'

Even though there are many things on my list that I probably will never get round to properly learn (piano, horseback riding, archery), there is one thing that I am determined to master, or at least get pretty good at, before I go back to Malaysia.


I have always liked paintings. I may have never received a formal education on it, and sometimes I like cheap street paintings more than the real-deal ones hung in exhibitions and museums - but I love them. Adore them. Understand them. (Not in a deep-pretentious-stare-at-painting-and-think-hard-about-the-message kind of way, of course.)

My favourites will always be van Gogh and Claude Monet, and it is a pity that I went to Paris for such a brief period and did not get to visit as many ar museums as I would have. Well...if I went with someone who would actually let me stay in there for as long as I liked, that is.

But because paintings are so dear to me, I was reluctant to try it. There is a voice in my head that keeps going 'what if I find out I suck at it?' 'what if I think I'm brilliant but everyone else thinks I suck?' etc etc. So I always go to Eason to stare at paintbrushes and acrylic colours...but never actually buying them.

Eventually, a few months ago when there was a back-to-college sale, I somehow managed to brave/psyche myself enough to purchase them. I was very pleased with myself for being able to get this far...however, when I got home, I placed the paperbag in the deepest of my closet.

And then they never saw daylight ever again.

I googled acrylic painting tips and techniques during my study break, viewed countless example paintings for beginners, but I was just too scared to actually do it. I emailed Luke (the one with the Art degree) for advice...and all he said was;

'The best advice I can give you is to just start painting. I'll help you through road blocks along the way.'

After days of exasperations and feeling frustrated with myself for being such a scaredy cat...I finally did it.

I have obviously forgotten to wet the paper first and painted base so the texture won't show, and didn't mount/tape the paper on something so it won't curl after it was done.

But still.

I think it's a good start.

...and man, wasn't that such a relief.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Baby, can I buy you a drink?

Final year has finally kicked in, full gear.

I'm tempted to hide all day because I don't want to face my weaknesses.

Alas, I am Atiqah. Despite being almost pathologically insane and having a heart made of cold hard rock (I stared blankly and gave a polite 'okay' with a smile as Mr McGreal throws rude comments my way...there's no way I'm giving him the satisfaction of watching me break under pressure), I have quite a good chunk of patience and common sense within me.

So I stood there as the surgeons drilled me with questions, I stood there while the team made fun of (and laughed at) my wrong answer, I stood there when McGreal cupped his head in his hands to show his frustration with me (and to make me feel stupid).

I stood there and admitted to myself that I suck at surgery and anatomy.

Not that this means I deserve to be treated like a useless airhead, but.

McGreal does teach, and he does want me to actually learn from his ward rounds, and clinics, and surgeries. So I should give him credit for that.

I'm waking up way earlier than what I'm used to, and I'm way too tired at the end of the day to do much studying at all.

My laundry basket looks like it's about to explode, and I only have dinner about twice a week.

My life is a disorganized array of events, and I feel like I have lost control of it completely.

This is final year of medical school,

what did I expect?
