Tuesday, October 25, 2011

hidup dah lain sejak separuh dari kawan-kawan (yang merupakan DUNIA atiq dalam kehidupan di perantauan) pulang memulakan kehidupan baru di Malaysia.

atiq dah jarang makan malam sekarang. tak suka. tak sama. mas dah takde kat sini lagi dengan atiq. rasa macam takde penutup yang boleh buat hati atiq tenang dan terima the fact that mas dah balik. mendadak sangat dia tukar fikiran. cuti musim panas haritu tak dapat jumpa pun.

dulu Raudhah bising dengan suara atiq, sampai aliyah merungut (haha).

sekarang, dunia atiq hanya bilik, dan Skype.

oh, tahun akhir.

Monday, October 10, 2011

how do you wish to see life?

I had a tutorial today, on 'safe prescribing'. Basically it's about the art of drugging humans out of their misery, without killing them completely and/or without screwing them over so bad that they actually notice that it was all our doing.

I am quite the cynic, in case you still haven't noticed.

'Give me an example of a combination drug, made to reduce the number of pills the patients have to take.' the tutor asked.

'Spiriva...' Niall replied, his voice trailing off at the end, suggesting that he was not sure with his choice of answer.

'Combivent.' I said, correcting him on the name of the combination inhaler that I knew was actually what he was thinking about. The tutor looked over at me and smiled. After tens of minutes has passed by with her neverending sarcastic comments on the politics of the pharmaceutical world, she turned back to me and asked;

'Do you know what the patient-based surveys discovered, on the colour of the pill that was thought by the patients to have the best outcome?'

'Blue?' I asked, smiling with the corner of my mouth, with a glint of mischief in my eyes. I turned over to my five groupmates and saw TJ looking at me, his expression mirrorring mine. Turning back to the tutor, I gave a tiny sigh as I realized that she, of course, did not get the humour behind my answer. She has went on to rattle about how the patients love the unexpected temporary high they get out of their steroids, and how they thus commonly associate this with efficacy.

Steroids are the little red pills.

The sheer irony of it all amused me to no end.


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Funny how things just...

When we moved in to the new house, I was automatically elected to make a house chores roster wheel, because I like to pretend I'm a creative artsy schmartsy person. I know, I can be a bit douchey sometimes. Bear with me, will you? You ARE my diary, after all.

So earlier today, after four whole weeks of procrastination, I finally decided that it's high time for me to make the damned wheel. Mostly because the house is currently resembling the aftermath of a tsunami. As I was rummaging through my arts and crafts box to look for coloured papers, something caught my eyes, and made me pause.

It was a sketch book, bounded in spiral, with a bright canary yellow cover. I bought it around July of 2007. Most of the pages have been torn out, there was only a few blank sheets left. Well...they were all blank, except for one.

There was a half-done pencil sketch of the small and disgusting pond in Fitzgerald Park. I used to go there all the time when I first got here. I used to LOVE that stupid pond.

As I was staring at that sketch, I remembered.

I remembered why I started drawing it,

and I remembered why I stopped,

half way through.

And for many reasons we both know, it all felt rather...bittersweet.

Funny how things worked out just fine in the end.

Funny how I've always thought it was impossible.

Funny how a terrible sketch can paint a love song in my head.
