Sunday, December 20, 2009

London Gatwick Airport

hey guys.

it's one of those entries where i write a blog using overpriced airport internet because i was bored waiting for the next flight again.

i do way too much travelling alone.

when we were being allowed through the gate to walk to the plane in Cork, the lady checking our boarding passes and passports noticed that i had two carry on luggage with me (one bulky handbag and one cabin size trolley bag); i knew i was supposed to only have one but come on, it's not like the handbag matters! it would easily fit under the seat in front of me! so to my despair, she stopped me and said;

'You can only have one carry on luggage, Ma'm, can you put the handbag into the bag please, and then i will check you in'

i knew this task was impossible, but i carried my bag to the side, slowly began to put some stuff from my handbag into my luggage...wait for the strict security lady to be busy/occupied with fat old women so she can't see me, and snuck my way past her to another security lady while hiding my handbag behind me. ROFL. i love playing lets-see-if-i-can-snuck-in-two-carry-ons at airports. life is hard.

i naturally slept the whole way to London, until right at the very end of the flight. i opened my eyes then, only half-awake, and then i saw it - a white London, all covered in thick snow. it was the prettiest thing ever, and it's the first time i saw a snow-covered place from above. i took pictures as well! i'll show you when i get back, probably maybe.

i have like TWO more hours to waste. blargh. i wish i have an iPhone so i can watch movies while waiting. wait - i have a 20% full iPod nano! i cud've put a movie on it! argh i'm so stupid.

anyways bloggiepoo. i managed to hide my bag (which is slightly oversized for carry-on, by the way) and my handbag from the view of the lady issuing my ticket at the counter just now. one obstacle down! i hope the security at the gate isn't as petty as the crazy woman at Cork Airport.

i'll see you in 2010! will be going to Nice and Monaco and then back on the 1st of January.

i don't have any new year resolution...umm. *shrugs*

oh well.

London Gatwick Airport,

Monday, December 14, 2009

hari gegem sedunia

  • i woke up to Mas making pancakes
  • Mas made fried rice right after she made the pancakes
  • i eat lots of pancakes
  • i eat several servings of fried rice throughout the day because there are lots
  • i then ate vanilla ice cream
  • Adilah made chocolate cake
  • Aza made paprik for dinner and we had that and then Adilah's chocolate cake
  • i do not cook anything today, only eat and sleep.
  • i am heading towards obesity

Saturday, December 12, 2009

ajal dan maut di tangan Allah

Hai blog.

Lepas tragedi KBMall tu, atiq memang rasa tersentak jugak with the fact that Allah really can take your life whenever and wherever He wishes to. I mean come on. Tengah berdiri atas escalator dekat shopping mall. Memang tak terfikir langsung la kan ada kereta akan jatuh dari langit and hempap sampai robek rahang?

Pagi ni sampai je depan dewan exam Wany dengan sedihnya cakap Presiden BWP die mase MRSM Langkawi dulu (eh betul ke fakta Presiden KMB, konfius jap) passed away in a car acccident. Satu family meninggal. Yang paling menusuk kalbu is the fact that the guy baru je lepas akad nikah, and the bride takde sekali dalam kereta tu. In other words, she's widowed hours after she became a wife. Pergh mesti pilu gila bila print gambar-gambar masa akad...Some people have it way harder than you, Atiqah.

Wany cakap dia sampai takleh study last night sebab overwhelmed sgt dengan the news.

More about it here. I need to go sleep now. I'm officially on winter break, yeay!


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

note to self:

the safest thing to do when you have the winter munchies and your tummy starts to think it belongs to a gigantic bear preparing for hibernation is to buy FRUITS, Atiqah. oranges and apples and grapes and strawberries. NOT doritos and m&ms and yoghurt multipacks. no no no no no no. not even bananas because you like those a little bit too much and will consume them all in two days.

...well you will consume everything in two days anyway BUT STILL.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

it's raining again

what's going on? is everybody trying to hide something from me?

i'm so worried :'( i hope everything's going on alright in Malaysia

Friday, December 4, 2009

watashi nitsuite no randamu na mono

  • i eat a lot in winter. i mean...a LOT a lot. so far i have not gained any weight *phew*. i shall keep you updated.
  • Mama bought 95% of the pyjamas/sleepwear that i own at this moment. she is fantastic at finding things my size (...or should i say, my height?).
  • i don't have any personal food in my room anymore because i will eat everything in a span of about two days and it is not healthy. especially if the said food is a giant pack of crisps.
  • i like my Kakwe quite a lot.
  • i hate justifying to people in Malaysia why i go home every year...i don't care that your brother goes overseas and never returned for about seven years. i am a family person. i have enough holidays during the academic year to go travelling. summer is for home.
  • i like pengat pisang quite a lot. omg Atiqah stop talking about food!!
  • i have commitment issues.
  • i have a fear of falling.
  • i deleted CD from my facebook friend's list to avoid having the urge to laugh at him...kwang3. if you've no idea what i'm talking about...consider yourself lucky!
  • i like deleting things. i delete texts, emails, things in my documents, songs on iTunes i no longer's a weird obsession that i have. i also like deleting memories. it's true, i iz capable of doing thiz. i haz supapowerz, yo.
  • my title probably doesn't mean what i intended it to mean, and quite possibly doesn't even make any sense. but that's just how i roll :P

do you haz any phobias??~ TELL ME. i wantz to noe.
i used to like rainy days, but Ireland ruined it for me :'(

ini diari aku.

aku tak suka berkawan. sepanjang hidup aku...aku jumpa macam-macam jenis orang. backstabbers, pretentious ones, sincere ones, yang lurus bendul adalah jugak sikit. kawan-kawan aku suka salah faham aku cakap apa. and aku sendiri pun ego. kalau aku salah cakap, nak cakap sorry tu memang rasa stabbing pain dekat jantung.

aku tak suka berkawan. sebab aku tak reti. orang selalu sakit hati dengan aku, tapi aku clueless tak tahu kenapa. tak pun aku buat-buat tak tahu. aku dilahirkan dengan genetik pemarah ini, it takes a lot of effort for me not to take it out on a person bila aku marah pada dia. tapi pengalaman hidup mengajar aku untuk diam walaupun payah. diam walaupun hati membentak. diam walaupun telinga aku pekak dengan jeritan hati.

despite everything...macam yang aku cakap pada seseorang, di sini kawan ialah hidup. kalau aku tiada kawan, maka aku tiada hidup. aku terpaksa. tiada lagi seorang Tengku Sofiah Aishah untuk fill the void in me bila aku gagal dalam berkawan.

tapi tempohari aku terlepas cakap. nada aku tajam dan sinis walaupun hanya lima patah yang terpacul dari bibir aku. walaupun hanya antara dengar dan tidak.

aku menyesal.

aku bukan jenis orang yang snappy. aku lebih suka take the higher road. aku lebih suka fikir i'm better than that. walaupun orang akan fikir mereka menang...tapi dalam kepala aku, aku yang menang. tapi hari itu aku tersasul. kerana hati sudah lama sakit tapi didiamkan. harapan agar keadaan berubah nanti, tapi alas, semua tetap sama. berulang-ulang macam kaset rosak.

but that didn't justify what i did. salah tetap salah. tapi egonya ya Allah, tinggi menggunung. walaupun Rasulullah saw dah suruh mengalah dalam perjidalan, kalau di pihak yang salah and then mengalah, dapat juga sebuah rumah di tepi syurga. tapi aku fikir pulak, eh aku tak berjidal. aku perang dingin je. haha, boleh ke fikir macam ni? rasa macam derhaka pun ada.

entah-entah aku seorang yang fikir macam-macam. yang sedih seorang dalam bilik. tengok luar tingkap dan emo sebab langit mendung.

aku ada banyak benda to be thankful for in life. i shouldn't be bogged down by this.

lagipun, minggu depan exam lagi.

yang sebenarnya sangat kekok membahasakan diri aku setelah sekian lama...tapi it fits the tone of this entry.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

that 22nd birthday.

hey pretty peoplez.

i freaking LOVE facebook on my birthday. random friends i've lost contact with for YEARS show up to write happy birthday on my makes me feel warm and fluttery inside.

...and my aunt sent a message to me via facebook and wished me happy birthday?! what. that was random.

and having three blog entries dedicated to me, with pictures and videos of baby zul made this such an amazing birthday :) thank you, hermanas.

even though i currently have a konflik dalaman with one of my housemates (i ALWAYS do....what's my problem?! i can't live with people, srsly), we're dealing okay i guess bc even though she din wish me happy birthday, she still wrote on the birthday card mas bought for me, and we still talk (without eye contact). so i'm not complaining. i suppose we both need time to get used to each other...

atiqah = a difficult person to live with. i don't know how my future husband's going to live his WHOLE LIFE as my housemate. the poor guy. must find him a fantastic psychiatrist as wedding present.

it was a fun birthday. i had class from 8am - 3pm, spent the gap in between lectures in the library buying flight tickets for my winter trip, gave lots of hugs to lots of people, got a chocolate bar, ate free apple crumble for lunch (Alia's so nice!), consumed TWO cakes with my housemates, and of course, received a sea of birthday wishes on my facebook wall :')

this birthday is so bittersweet for so many reasons.

lots of love
Tengku Nur Atiqah Tengku Mahmood

i like waking up to texts :)

Mama -

'Tiqtiq sayang selamat hari lahir ke 22. Hari ni huje sejak 3 hari lepas sama mace 22 tahun lepas masa atiq dilahirkan. Hari pun sama hari khamis. Mama doakan tiqtiq sentiasa berada dalam lindungan Allah dan berjaya dalam pelajaran dan kesihatan yang baik juga panjang umur'


Happy birthday to me :)

...i'm so late for class right now.