Saturday, July 28, 2007

Bubble Bath

title change.

some things are better left unsaid

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

it doesnt only happen to other people

today after i got back from town to buy some stuff i went online smeta...saw an old friend online, and since i havent talked to him for a very long time, i decided to tegur him and kecek nga dio smeta...~

(pakcik, i hope u dont mind me writing about u~)

this friend of mine...i used to membebel 24/7 to him for having a habit of drinking a lot...and i mean a lot, of soft drinks esp Coke. he's crazy about it, like he'd be on the phone with me at 1 or 2 in the morning and he wud suddenly say he wants to minum Coke. he can finish that huge bottle of Coke in like a few days. me being the makcik i am was constantly membebeling to him back then about it..especially when i go do volunteer works at hospitals and talked to patients in the dialysis unit and they warned me about soft drinks..~

so, we were talking, i asked him 'wehs...kuak minum Pepsi lagi ko hehs budok?' and, to my absolute horror, the reply was 'atiq...ado crito disebalik minum2 Pepsi ni' then he proceeded on to tell me that his liver is not functioning very well anymore and and that he's got Hepatitis B..~

ishks....people....please be careful with your your organs...ruin them and u'll pay for it big my biochemistry lecturer said, 'liver is the most amazing organ ever, ruin it and it'll repair itself, ruin it too much and u're a goner' its true, its true~ bermaknakah having a liver failure because u want to drink..? berbaloikah getting lung cancer because u feel like smoking...? patutkah u suffer the weekly dialysis sebab u like soft drinks...?~ put some thought to it sayang sayang sekalian...because it doesnt only happen to other people, it can happen to you too (nauzibillah though..)~

prevention is better than cure

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


i think writing is in my genes or something..

m not saying i'm good at it or anything like that, its just that i feel incomplete without a place to channel my thoughts and my feelings..and i constantly catch myself merangka-rangka karangan about what i'm going through in my head....blimey. its crazy.

but i suppose, what with Mama being a legendary diary keeper (Kakwe found the diary when she was little and kept picking on Mama about it sampai sekarang, haha), and Kakwe being a journalist, and Kakak being a serial blogger...i suppose its not impossible that writing really is in my genes~

for the moment, though, i've a bejillion things to do, i've tons of things to say but i i suppose i'll just rest at this: torn intercostal muscles and a bleeding nose from chronic coughing due to a mere viral chest infection? who would've thought?. the end.

p.s. : about the title, ignore it. it's just a turning point in my life that i've been waiting for for so long, and i'm ecstatic that its finally happening =D